// FILE: DSP2833x_Adc.c
// title: DSP2833x ADC Initialization & Support Functions.
// $TI Release: 2833x/2823x Header Files and Peripheral Examples V133 $
// $Release Date: June 8 2012 $
#include “DSP2833x_Device.h“ // DSP2833x Headerfile Include File
#include “DSP2833x_Examples.h“ // DSP2833x Examples Include File
#define ADC_usDELAY 5000L
// InitAdc:
// This function initializes ADC to a known state.
void InitAdc(void)
extern void DSP28x_usDelay(Uint32 Count);
// The ADC_cal function which copies the ADC calibration values from TI reserved
// OTP into the ADCREFSEL and ADCOFFTRIM registers occurs automatically in the
// Boot ROM. If the boot ROM code is bypassed during the debug process the
// following function MUST be called for the ADC to function according
// to specification. The clocks to the ADC MUST be enabled before calling this
// function.
// See the device data manual and/or the ADC Reference
// Manual for more information.
SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.ADCENCLK = 1;
// To powerup the ADC the ADCENCLK bit should be set first to enable
// clocks followed by powering up the bandgap reference circuitry and ADC core.
// Before the first conversion is performed a 5ms delay must be observed
// after power up to give all analog circuits time to power up and settle
// Please note that for the delay function below to operate correctly the
// CPU_RATE define statement in the DSP2833x_Examples.h file must
// contain the correct CPU clock period in nanoseconds.
AdcRegs.ADCTRL3.all = 0x00E0; // Power up bandgap/reference/ADC circuits
DELAY_US(ADC_usDELAY); // Delay before converting ADC channels
AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.ACQ_PS = 0x3; //采集窗口的大小
AdcRegs.ADCTRL3.bit.ADCCLKPS = 0x1; //内核时钟分频器
AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.SEQ_CASC = 1; //级联模式,SEQ1和SEQ2作为一个16状态排序器工作
AdcRegs.ADCTRL3.bit.SMODE_SEL=0; //设置顺序采样模式
AdcRegs.ADCMAXCONV.all =15; //设置最大通道数(通道数-1)
AdcRegs.ADCREFSEL.bit.REF_SEL=0; //参考基准电压的选择,当前选择外部参考电压基准,为2.048V
AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ1.bit.CONV00=0x0; //A0U1V1
AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ1.bit.CONV01=0x1; //A1U2V2
AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ1.bit.CONV02=0x2; //A2U3V3
AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ1.bit.CONV03=0x3; //A3U4V4
AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ2.bit.CONV04=0x4; //A4U5V5
AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ2.bit.CONV05=0x5; //A5U6V6
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 23475 2016-07-15 09:39 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\.cproject
文件 4403 2016-07-14 21:21 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\.launches\3L_SVPWM_20160324_Ma.launch
文件 4569 2017-06-07 16:22 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\.launches\3L_VSVPWM_PT714.launch
文件 845 2016-07-15 09:39 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\.project
文件 62 2016-03-30 11:41 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\.settings\org.eclipse.cdt.codan.core.prefs
文件 123 2015-05-31 12:04 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\.settings\org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.prefs
文件 894 2015-06-01 22:36 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\.settings\org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
文件 7270 2015-05-31 12:04 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\28335_RAM_lnk.cmd
文件 40435 2016-03-22 10:19 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\3L_NVSVPWM_UNP_UCMV_20160322_Ma.map
文件 197228 2016-03-22 10:19 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\3L_NVSVPWM_UNP_UCMV_20160322_Ma_li
文件 39715 2016-07-14 21:21 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\3L_SVPWM_20160324_Ma.map
文件 180430 2016-07-14 21:21 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\3L_SVPWM_20160324_Ma.out
文件 193730 2016-07-14 21:21 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\3L_SVPWM_20160324_Ma_li
文件 40425 2016-03-24 11:27 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\3L_VSVPWM_20160324_Ma.map
文件 197214 2016-03-24 11:27 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\3L_VSVPWM_20160324_Ma_li
文件 39710 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\3L_VSVPWM_PT714.map
文件 180314 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\3L_VSVPWM_PT714.out
文件 193721 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\3L_VSVPWM_PT714_li
文件 1770 2017-06-07 16:22 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\ccsObjs.opt
文件 289 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\DSP2833x_common\cmd\subdir_rules.mk
文件 344 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\DSP2833x_common\cmd\subdir_vars.mk
文件 289 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\DSP2833x_common\lib\subdir_rules.mk
文件 670 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\DSP2833x_common\lib\subdir_vars.mk
文件 13570 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\DSP2833x_common\source\DSP2833x_Adc.obj
文件 5429 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\DSP2833x_common\source\DSP2833x_Adc.pp
文件 1345 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\DSP2833x_common\source\DSP2833x_ADC_cal.obj
文件 1648 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\DSP2833x_common\source\DSP2833x_CodeStartBranch.obj
文件 5898 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\DSP2833x_common\source\DSP2833x_CpuTimers.obj
文件 5597 2017-06-07 15:45 3L_SVPWM_PT714\V0.0\Debug\DSP2833x_common\source\DSP2833x_CpuTimers.pp
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