% filter_function.m is a helper function for interate.m. To run snakes
% (active contours) with GUI see below. To go to the meat of the code see
% interate.m
% To run it with GUI
% 1. Type guide on the matlab prompt.
% 2. Click on “Go to Existing GUI“
% 3. Select the snk.fig file in the same directory as this file
% 4. Click the green arrow at the top to launch the GUI
% Once the GUI has been launched you can use snakes by
% 1. Click on “New Image“ and load an input image. Samples image are
% provided.
% 2. Set the smoothing parameter “sigma“ or leave it at its default value
% and click “Filter“. This will smooth the image.
% 3. As soon as you click “Filter“ cross hairs would appear and using
% them and left click of you mouse you can pick initial contour location
% on the image. A red circle would appead everywhere you click and in
% most cases you should click all the way around the object you want to
% segement. The last point must be picked using a right-click in order to
% stop matlab for asking for more points.
% 4. Set the various snake parameters (relative weights of energy terms
% in the snake objective function) or leave them with their default value
% and click “Iterate“ button. The snake would appear and move as it
% converges to its low energy state.
% Copyright (c) Ritwik Kumar Harvard University 2010
% www.seas.harvard.edu/~rkkumar
% This code implements 揝nakes: Active Contour Models?by Kass Witkin and
% Terzopolous incorporating Eline Eedge and Eterm energy factors. See the
% included report and the paper to learn more.
% If you find this useful also look at Radon-Like Features based
% segmentation in the following paper:
% Ritwik Kumar Amelio V. Reina & Hanspeter Pfister 揜adon-Like Features
% and their Application to Connectomics? IEEE Computer Society Workshop %
% on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA) 2010
% http://seas.harvard.edu/~rkkumar
% Its code is also available on MATLAB Central
function [smth] = filter_function(image sigma)
% This function smooths the image with a Gaussian filter of width sigma
smask = fspecial(‘gaussian‘ ceil(3*sigma) sigma);
smth = filter2(smask image ‘same‘);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 364184 2010-07-02 13:19 activeContoursDemo\activeContours_Snakes.pdf
文件 47490 2005-11-05 17:34 activeContoursDemo\chest.pgm
文件 10028 2005-11-05 17:34 activeContoursDemo\circle.jpg
文件 2448 2010-07-02 13:21 activeContoursDemo\filter_function.m
文件 2974 2010-07-02 13:21 activeContoursDemo\getsnake.m
文件 25615 2005-11-05 17:34 activeContoursDemo\heart.pgm
文件 40658 2005-11-05 17:34 activeContoursDemo\img1.tif
文件 34306 2005-11-05 17:34 activeContoursDemo\img2.tif
文件 4822 2010-07-02 13:21 activeContoursDemo\interate.m
文件 65594 2005-11-05 17:34 activeContoursDemo\new.pgm
文件 199 2010-07-02 13:23 activeContoursDemo\README.txt
文件 4112 2005-11-05 17:34 activeContoursDemo\room.pgm
文件 5814 2010-07-02 12:29 activeContoursDemo\snk.fig
文件 25966 2010-07-02 13:21 activeContoursDemo\snk.m
文件 5000 2005-11-05 17:34 activeContoursDemo\square.jpg
文件 4109 2005-11-05 17:34 activeContoursDemo\U64.pgm
文件 1312 2014-02-12 13:10 license.txt
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