// TI File $Revision: /main/9 $
// Checkin $Date: August 10 2007 09:05:58 $
// FILE: Example_2833xI2c_rtc.c
// title: DSP2833x I2C RTC Example
// This program requires the DSP2833x header files.
// This program requires an external I2C RTC connected to
// the I2C bus at address 0x6f.
// As supplied this project is configured for “boot to SARAM“
// operation. The 2833x Boot Mode table is shown below.
// For information on configuring the boot mode of an eZdsp
// please refer to the documentation included with the eZdsp
// $Boot_Table:
// XA15 XA14 XA13 XA12
// ==========================================
// 1 1 1 1 Jump to Flash
// 1 1 1 0 SCI-A boot
// 1 1 0 1 SPI-A boot
// 1 1 0 0 I2C-A boot
// 1 0 1 1 eCAN-A boot
// 1 0 1 0 McBSP-A boot
// 1 0 0 1 Jump to XINTF x16
// 1 0 0 0 Jump to XINTF x32
// 0 1 1 1 Jump to OTP
// 0 1 1 0 Parallel GPIO I/O boot
// 0 1 0 1 Parallel XINTF boot
// 0 1 0 0 Jump to SARAM <- “boot to SARAM“
// 0 0 1 1 Branch to check boot mode
// 0 0 1 0 Boot to flash bypass ADC cal
// 0 0 0 1 Boot to SARAM bypass ADC cal
// 0 0 0 0 Boot to SCI-A bypass ADC cal
// Boot_Table_End$
// DEscriptION:
// This program will write 1-14 words to RTC and read them back.
// The data written and the RTC address written to are contained
// in the message structure I2cMsgOut1. The data read back will be
// contained in the message structure I2cMsgIn1.
// This program will work with the on-board I2C RTC supplied on
// the F2833x eZdsp.
// Original Author: D.F.
// $TI Release: DSP2833x Header Files V1.01 $
// $Release Date: September 26 2007 $
#include “DSP2833x_Device.h“ // DSP2833x Headerfile Include File
#include “DSP2833x_Examples.h“ // DSP2833x Examples Include File
// Note: I2C Macros used in this example can be found in the
// DSP2833x_I2C_defines.h file
// Prototype
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 532 2007-12-15 11:55 i2c_rtc\cc_build_Debug.log
文件 1469 2007-12-15 11:54 i2c_rtc\Debug.lkf
文件 16315 2007-12-03 15:48 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.c
文件 3072 2007-12-15 11:55 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.CS_\FILE.CDX
文件 1454 2007-12-15 11:55 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.CS_\FILE.DBF
文件 2705 2007-12-15 11:55 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.CS_\FILE.FPT
文件 322560 2007-12-15 11:55 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.CS_\SYMBOL.CDX
文件 238473 2007-12-15 11:55 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.CS_\SYMBOL.DBF
文件 410222 2007-12-15 11:55 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.CS_\SYMBOL.FPT
文件 1213 2007-09-26 10:23 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.gel
文件 10642 2007-12-15 11:59 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.paf2
文件 1903 2007-12-03 15:53 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.pjt
文件 7917 2007-12-15 11:59 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.sbl
文件 18427 2007-12-03 15:53 i2c_rtc\i2c_rtc.wks
目录 0 2009-07-23 10:49 i2c_rtc\Debug
目录 0 2009-07-23 10:49 i2c_rtc\Example_2833xI2C_rtc.CS_
目录 0 2009-07-23 10:49 i2c_rtc
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
1036904 17
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