STM32f103驱动max 31856驱动程序,全工程给出,实在得很。
// This is a library for the Maxim MAX31856 thermocouple IC
// http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX31856.pdf
// Written by Peter Easton (www.whizoo.com)
// Released under CC BY-SA 3.0 license
// Look for the MAX31856 breakout boards on www.whizoo.com and eBay (madeatrade)
// http://stores.ebay.com/madeatrade
// Looking to build yourself a reflow oven? It isn‘t that difficult to
// do! Take a look at the build guide here:
// http://www.whizoo.com
// Library Implementation Details
// ==============================
// DRDY and FAULT lines are not used in this driver. DRDY is useful for low-power mode so samples are only taken when
// needed; this driver assumes power isn‘t an issue. The FAULT line can be used to generate an interrupt in the host
// processor when a fault occurs. This library reads the fault register every time a reading is taken and will
// return a fault error if there is one. The MAX31856 has sophisticated usage scenarios involving FAULT. For
// example low and high temperature limits can be set and the FAULT line triggers when these temperatures are
// breached. This is beyond the scope of this sample library. The assumption is that most applications will be
// polling for temperature readings - but it is good to know these features are supported by the hardware.
// The MAX31856 differs from earlier thermocouple IC‘s in that it has registers that must be configured before
// readings can be taken. This makes it very flexible and powerful but one concern is power loss to the IC. The IC
// should be as close to the cold junction as possible which might mean there is a cable connecting the breakout
// board to the host processor. If this cable is disconnected and reconnected (MAX31856 loses power) then the
// registers must be reinitialized. This library detects this condition and will automatically reconfigure the
// registers. This simplifies the software running on the host.
// A lot of configuration options appear in the .H file. Of particular note is the line frequency filtering which
// defaults to 60Hz (USA and others). If your line voltage is 50Hz you should set CR0_NOISE_FILTER_50HZ.
// This library handles the full range of temperatures including negative temperatures.
// Change History:
// 25 June 2015 Initial Version
// 31 July 2015 Fixed spelling and formatting problems
#include “MAX31856.h“
// Define which pins are connected to the MAX31856. The DRDY and FAULT outputs
// from the MAX31856 are not used in this library.
MAX31856::MAX31856(int sdi int sdo int cs int clk)
_sdi = sdi;
_sdo = sdo;
_cs = cs;
_clk = clk;
// Initialize all the data pins
pinMode(_sdi OUTPUT);
pinMode(_cs OUTPUT);
pinMode(_clk OUTPUT);
// Use a pullup on the data line to be able to detect “no communication“
pinMode(_sdo INPUT_PULLUP);
// Default output pins state
digitalWrite(_cs HIGH);
digitalWrite(_clk HI
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2015-09-19 20:37 MAX31856-master\
目录 0 2015-09-19 20:37 MAX31856-master\MAX31856\
文件 9659 2015-09-02 06:15 MAX31856-master\MAX31856\MAX31856.cpp
文件 4141 2015-09-02 06:15 MAX31856-master\MAX31856\MAX31856.h
目录 0 2015-09-19 20:37 MAX31856-master\MAX31856\examples\
目录 0 2016-08-29 11:09 MAX31856-master\MAX31856\examples\MAX31856\
文件 4849 2016-08-29 11:09 MAX31856-master\MAX31856\examples\MAX31856\MAX31856.ino
文件 2089 2015-09-02 06:15 MAX31856-master\MAX31856\keywords.txt
文件 2810 2015-09-02 06:15 MAX31856-master\README
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