It provides a uniform user interface for running and plotting the results from the following programs:kraken(normal mode model),krakenc(complex normal mode model),scooter(fast-field model),bellhop(gaussian beam tracing),bounce(bottom reflection coefficient from geoacoustic model)
function AcEnvCallback()
%Callback function for acoustic environment GUI interface
%Action is determined by tag.
%This really should go in the @AcEnvironment method directory but Matlab can‘t find it there.
[Cntrl Fig] = gcbo;
MyData = get(Fig ‘UserData‘);
Obj = MyData.Obj;
ThisTag = get(Cntrl ‘Tag‘);
switch ThisTag
case ‘AcEnvName‘
Obj = SetName(Obj get(Cntrl ‘String‘));
case ‘MinBottomBounce‘
Obj = SetMinBottomBounce(Obj str2num(get(Cntrl ‘String‘)));
case ‘Gravity‘
Obj = SetGravity(Obj str2num(get(Cntrl ‘String‘)));
case ‘VapourPressure‘
Obj = SetVapourPressure(Obj str2num(get(Cntrl ‘String‘)));
case ‘AtmoshphericPressure‘
Obj = SetAtmosphericPressure(Obj str2num(get(Cntrl ‘String‘)));
case ‘layerList‘
switch get(Fig ‘SelectionType‘)
case ‘open‘
List = findobj(Fig ‘Tag‘ ‘layerList‘);
Index = get(List ‘Value‘);
if Index >= 1
Obj = Editlayer(Obj Index);
case {‘Editlayer‘ ‘InsertBefore‘ ‘InsertAfter‘ ‘MoveUp‘ ‘MoveDown‘}
List = findobj(Fig ‘Tag‘ ‘layerList‘);
Index = get(List ‘Value‘);
if Index >= 1
switch ThisTag
case ‘Editlayer‘
Obj = Editlayer(Obj Index);
case {‘InsertBefore‘‘InsertAfter‘}
Obj = Insertlayer(Obj Index ThisTag);
case {‘MoveUp‘ ‘MoveDown‘}
Obj = Movelayer(Obj Index ThisTag);
case ‘Deletelayer‘
List = findobj(Fig ‘Tag‘ ‘layerList‘);
Index = get(List ‘Value‘);
if Index >= 1
Obj = Deletelayer(Obj Index);
case ‘OKButton‘
MyData.IsOK = 1;
MyData.IsDone = 1;
case ‘CancelButton‘
MyData.IsOK = 0;
MyData.IsDone = 1;
MyData.Obj = Obj;
set(Fig ‘UserData‘ MyData);
switch ThisTag
case {‘Editlayer‘ ‘Deletelayer‘ ‘layerList‘ ‘InsertBefore‘ ‘InsertAfter‘ ‘MoveUp‘ ‘MoveDown‘}
if strcmpi(ThisTag ‘layerList‘)
if strcmpi(get(Fig ‘SelectionType‘) ‘open‘)
Redraw = 1;
Redraw = 0;
Redraw = 1;
if Redraw
%Re-draw the list of layers
List = findobj(Fig ‘Tag‘ ‘layerList‘);
Str = GetlayerNames(Obj);
set(List ‘Value‘ 1);
set(List ‘String‘ Str);
case {‘OKButton‘ ‘CancelButton‘}
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2300 2002-07-01 14:35 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\AcEnvironment.m
文件 70 2001-02-09 11:30 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\Deletela
文件 366 2002-05-22 11:33 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\display.m
文件 3554 2002-06-15 07:28 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\DrawEditGUI.m
文件 594 2001-02-22 03:49 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\EditGUI.m
文件 3824 2001-01-30 15:31 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\EditGUI.mat
文件 91 2001-01-30 16:51 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\Editla
文件 258 2002-06-15 01:16 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\GetBottomDensity.m
文件 275 2002-06-15 01:17 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\GetBottomSoundSpeed.m
文件 186 2001-01-30 17:20 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\Getla
文件 391 2001-02-06 16:56 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\GetMaxSoundSpeed.m
文件 410 2001-06-13 11:47 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\GetMinShearSpeed.m
文件 391 2001-02-21 22:40 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\GetMinSoundSpeed.m
文件 46 2002-07-02 10:34 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\GetName.m
文件 157 2001-02-12 11:30 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\GetSurfaceRoughness.m
文件 238 2002-06-15 01:21 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\GetWaterColumn.m
文件 276 2002-06-15 01:23 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\GetWaterDepth.m
文件 373 2002-06-15 00:11 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\Insertla
文件 283 2002-06-15 01:27 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\IsPekeris.m
文件 9761 2002-07-02 13:14 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\LoadFromEnvFile.m
文件 447 2002-06-15 01:09 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\Movela
文件 377 2002-06-14 23:59 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\Newla
文件 1184 2002-07-02 12:52 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\PlotEnvironment.m
文件 59 2001-02-27 01:31 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\ResetEnv.m
文件 11351 2002-06-27 10:49 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\RunPropgnCode.m
文件 65 2002-06-05 08:49 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\SetDirInfo.m
文件 58 2001-01-30 16:31 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\SetName.m
文件 3132 2002-07-02 13:14 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\WriteToBellhopFiles.m
文件 2758 2002-07-02 13:10 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\WriteToBounceFiles.m
文件 3566 2002-06-20 15:44 AcToolbox\@AcEnvironment\WriteToKrakenFiles.m
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