OpenGL编程指南中提到的教程-Nate Robin的OpenGL教程
Nate Robins 1997
Tool for teaching about OpenGL fog.
#include “glm.h“
typedef struct _cell {
int id;
int x y;
float min max;
float value;
float step;
char* info;
char* format;
} cell;
cell color[4] = {
{ 1 180 40 0.0 1.0 0.7 0.005
“Specifies red component of fog color.“ “%.2f“ }
{ 2 240 40 0.0 1.0 0.7 0.005
“Specifies green component of fog color.“ “%.2f“ }
{ 3 300 40 0.0 1.0 0.7 0.005
“Specifies blue component of fog color.“ “%.2f“ }
{ 4 360 40 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.005
“Specifies alpha component of fog color.“ “%.2f“ }
cell density = { 5 260 120 0.0 3.0 1.0 0.01
“Specifies the near distance.“ “%.2f“ };
cell fstart = { 6 240 120 -3.0 3.0 0.5 0.01
“Specifies the far distance.“ “%.2f“ };
cell fend = { 7 240 160 -3.0 3.0 2.0 0.01
“Specifies the fog density.“ “%.2f“ };
GLenum mode = GL_LINEAR;
GLboolean clear = GL_TRUE;
GLMmodel* pmodel = NULL;
GLfloat eye[3] = { 0.5 0.25 1.5 };
GLfloat at[3] = { 0.0 -0.25 0.0 };
GLfloat up[3] = { 0.0 1.0 0.0 };
void redisplay_all(void);
GLuint window world screen command;
GLuint sub_width = 256 sub_height = 256;
GLint selection = 0;
GLvoid *font_style = GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10;
setfont(char* name int size)
font_style = GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10;
if (strcmp(name “helvetica“) == 0) {
if (size == 12)
font_style = GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12;
else if (size == 18)
font_style = GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18;
} else if (strcmp(name “times roman“) == 0) {
font_style = GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10;
if (size == 24)
font_style = GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24;
} else if (strcmp(name “8x13“) == 0) {
font_style = GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13;
} else if (strcmp(name “9x15“) == 0) {
font_style = GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15;
drawstr(GLuint x GLuint y char* format ...)
va_list args;
char buffer[255] *s;
va_start(args format);
vsprintf(buffer format args);
glRasterPos2i(x y);
for (s = buffer; *s; s++)
glutBitmapCharacter(font_style *s);
cell_draw(cell* cell)
glColor3ub(0 255 128);
if (selection == cell->id) {
glColor3ub(255 255 0);
drawstr(10 240 cell->info);
glColor3ub(255 0 0);
drawstr(cell->x cell->y cell->format cell->value);
cell_hit(cell* cell int x int y)
if (x > cell->x && x < cell->x + 60 &&
y > cell->y-30 && y < cell->y+10)
return cell->id;
return 0;
cell_update(cell* cell int update)
if (selection != cell->id)
cell->value += update * cell->step;
if (cell->value < cell->min)
cell->value = cell->min;
else if (cel
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\data\
目录 0 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\tutors.vc6\
目录 0 2005-11-07 04:27 tutors\tutors.vsnetproj\
目录 0 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\tutors.xcodeproj\
文件 12754 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\fog.c
文件 73728 2005-11-07 04:27 tutors\fog.exe
文件 66463 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\glm.c
文件 10176 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\glm.h
文件 237568 2001-11-08 09:27 tutors\glut32.dll
文件 42283 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\lightmaterial.c
文件 98304 2005-11-07 04:27 tutors\lightmaterial.exe
文件 20769 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\lightposition.c
文件 77824 2005-11-07 04:27 tutors\lightposition.exe
文件 1542 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\Makefile
文件 3256 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\materials.h
文件 24516 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\projection.c
文件 77824 2005-11-07 04:27 tutors\projection.exe
文件 56171 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\shapes.c
文件 73728 2005-11-07 04:27 tutors\shapes.exe
文件 35888 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\texture.c
文件 81920 2005-11-07 04:27 tutors\texture.exe
文件 19117 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\transformation.c
文件 77824 2005-11-07 04:27 tutors\transformation.exe
文件 1747 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\data\al.mtl
文件 186752 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\data\al.obj
文件 49181 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\data\checker.ppm
文件 342 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\data\dolphins.mtl
文件 50315 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\data\dolphins.obj
文件 536 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\data\f-16.mtl
文件 284767 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\data\f-16.obj
文件 49183 2005-11-07 04:19 tutors\data\fishermen.ppm
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