
function [out_featuresSyn out_labelsSyn] = ADASYN(in_features in_labels in_beta in_kDensity in_kSMOTE in_featuresAreNormalized)
%this function implements the ADASYN method as proposed in the following
%[1]: H. He Y. Bai E.A. Garcia and S. Li “ADASYN: Adaptive Synthetic
%Sampling Approach for Imbalanced Learning“ Proc. Int‘l. J. Conf. Neural
%Networks pp. 1322--1328 (2008).
%the implementation follows the notation and equation numbers given in
%section 3.1.4 of another paper:
%[2]: H. He and E.A. Garcia “Learning from imbalanced data“
%Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE Transactions on 21 no. 9
%pp. 1263--1284 (2009).
%the purpose of the ADASYN method is to improve class balance towards
%equally-sized classes for a given input dataset. this is achieved by
%synthetically creating new examples from the minority class via linear
%interpolation between existing minority class samples. this approach is
%known as the SMOTE method cf. section 3.1.3 in [2]. ADASYN is an
%extension of SMOTE creating more examples in the vicinity of the boundary
%between the two classes than in the interior of the minority class.
%cf. the supplied script demo_ADASYN for an example of this.
%(N \times P) matrix of numerical features. each row is one example each
%column is one feature hence there are N examples with P features each.
%boolean N-vector of labels defining the classes to which the examples in
%in_features belong.
%in_beta [default: 1]:
%desired level of balance where 0 means that the size of the minority
%class will not be changed and 1 means that the minority class will be
%ADASYNed to have (approximately due to rounding) the same size as the
%majority class. any value of in_beta between 0 and 1 provides a compromise
%between these two extremes.
%note that in_beta IS NOT the resulting class ratio but a percentage of
%how much class balance is improved in comparison to the given class
%balance! 0 means nothing is improved in comparison to the given class
%balance and 1 means class sizes are perfectly equalized (except for small
%rounding-related deviations).
%in_kDensity [default: 5]:
%k for kNN used in ADASYN density estimation i.e. in calculation of the
%\Gamma_i values in eq. (4) of reference [2]. this is the kNN call that
%regards examples from both classes.
%in_kSMOTE [default: 5]:
%k for kNN used in subsequent SMOTE-style synthesis of new examples.
%this is the kNN call that regards only examples from the minority class.
%cf. eq. (1) in reference [2].
%in_featuresAreNormalized [default: true]:
%boolean indicating whether the features (i.e. the different columns) in
%in_features are already normalized to the same scale or not.
%by default normalized features are assumed as the input i.e. the user is
%expected to apply a normalization method of choice before passing the data
%to the AD
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 12334 2019-02-20 15:17 ADASYN\ADASYN.m
文件 3782 2019-02-20 15:24 ADASYN\demo_ADASYN.m
目录 0 2019-02-20 15:25 ADASYN
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