
% Set sampling period and wavelet name.
delta = 0.1; wname = ‘coif3‘;
% Set scales.
amax = 7;
a = 2.^[1:amax];
% Compute associated pseudo-frequencies.
f = scal2frq(awnamedelta);
% Compute associated pseudo-periods.
per = 1./f;
% Plot pseudo-periods versus scales.
subplot(211) plot(aper)
title([‘Wavelet: ‘wname ‘ Sampling period: ‘num2str(delta)])
ylabel(‘Computed pseudo-period‘)
% For each scale 2^i:
% - generate a sine function of period per(i);
% - perform a wavelet decomposition;
% - identify the highest energy level;
% - compute the detected pseudo-period.
for i = 1:amax
% Generate sine function of period
% per(i) at sampling period delta.
t = 0:delta:100;
x = sin((t.*2*pi)/per(i));
% Decompose x at level 9.
[cl] = wavedec(x9wname);
% Estimate standard deviation of detail coefficients.
stdc = wnoisest(cl[1:amax]);
% Compute identified period.
[yjmax] = max(stdc);
idper(i) = per(jmax);
% Compare the detected and computed pseudo-periods.
subplot(212) plot(peridper‘o‘perper)
title(‘Detected vs computed pseudo-period‘)
xlabel(‘Computed pseudo-period‘)
ylabel(‘Detected pseudo-period‘)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 229410 2008-12-11 21:13 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码\lena.bmp
文件 261 2015-12-15 23:43 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码\psnr.mat
文件 195 2015-12-15 23:43 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码\psnr_noise_remove.mat
文件 359 2006-04-07 17:57 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码\README.txt
文件 1240 2010-05-18 21:24 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码\Unti
文件 219 2010-05-18 21:27 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码\Unti
文件 11192 2005-08-25 16:47 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码\wavlet.fig
文件 6724 2005-08-25 16:47 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码\wavlet.m
文件 6783 2010-05-19 11:46 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码\wavlet1.m
文件 6790 2010-05-19 11:36 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码\wavletbuild.m
文件 38517 2006-04-07 17:58 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码\运行抓图.jpg
目录 0 2010-05-19 11:46 小波软阈值的去噪处理代码
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301690 12
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