% AST_Const: Definition of astronomical and mathematical constants
% Last modified: 2015/08/12 M. Mahooti
% Mathematical constants
pi2 = 2*pi; % 2pi
Rad = pi/180; % Radians per degree
Deg = 180/pi; % Degrees per radian
Arcs = 3600*180/pi; % Arcseconds per radian
% General
MJD_J2000 = 51544.5; % Modif. Julian Date of J2000.0
T_B1950 = -0.500002108; % Epoch B1950
c_light = 299792457.999999984; % Speed of light [m/s]; DE405
AU = 149597870691.000015; % Astronomical unit [m]; DE405
% Physical parameters of the Earth Sun and Moon
% Equatorial radius and flattening
R_Earth = 6378.13699999999972e3; % Earth‘s radius [m]; DE405
f_Earth = 1/298.257223563; % Flattening; WGS-84
R_Sun = 696000e3; % Sun‘s radius [m]; DE405
R_Moon = 1738e3; % Moon‘s radius [m]; DE405
% Earth rotation (derivative of GMST at J2000; differs from inertial period by precession)
omega_Earth = 7.2921158553e-5; % [rad/s]; Aoki 1982 NIMA 1997
% Gravitational coefficients
GM_Earth = 398600.4328969391e9; % [m^3/s^2]; DE405
GM_Sun = 132712440017.9870e9; % [m^3/s^2]; DE405
GM_Moon = GM_Earth/81.3005600000000044; % [m^3/s^2]; DE405
GM_Mercury = 22032.08048641792e9; % [m^3/s^2]; DE405
GM_Venus = 324858.5988264596e9; % [m^3/s^2]; DE405
GM_Mars = 42828.31425806710e9; % [m^3/s^2]; DE405
GM_Jupiter = 126712767.8577960e9; % [m^3/s^2]; DE405
GM_Saturn = 37940626.06113726e9; % [m^3/s^2]; DE405
GM_Uranus = 5794549.007071872e9; % [m^3/s^2]; DE405
GM_Neptune = 6836534.063879259e9; % [m^3/s^2]; DE405
GM_Pluto = 981.6008877070042e9; % [m^3/s^2]; DE405
% Solar radiation pressure at 1 AU
P_Sol = 4.560e-6; % [N/m^2] (~1367 W/m^2); IERS 96
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2120 2016-11-28 21:43 JPL_DE405\AST_Const.m
文件 987 2016-11-28 03:44 JPL_DE405\Cheb3D.m
文件 19264073 2016-11-28 22:37 JPL_DE405\DE405Coeff.mat
文件 948412 2016-11-28 18:25 JPL_DE405\de405iom.pdf
文件 8319 2016-11-28 22:38 JPL_DE405\JPL_Eph_DE405.m
文件 1189 2016-11-05 18:01 JPL_DE405\Mjday.m
文件 264 2016-11-28 22:41 JPL_DE405\test_JPL405eph.m
文件 1314 2016-11-28 07:19 license.txt
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