% MyCrustOpen
% This version has been developped for open surface with no sharp edges.
% Differently from crust based algorithm does not ensure a tight
% triangluation and sometimes self-intersecant triangles are generated
% it is also generally slower. The final surface may need some repair
% work which this utilitie does not offer.
% But there are two great advantages this one can be applied on any kind
% of open surface for which the Crust fails supports not regular surface
% like the Moebius ribbon and most of all the surface can have any kind
% of holes open feature shouldn‘t create problem.
% You can see the demo models for examples.
% If any problems occurs in execution or if you found a bug have a
% suggestion or question just contact me at:
% giaccariluigi@msn.com
% Here is a simple example:
% load Nefertiti.mat%load input points from mat file
% [t]=MyCrustOpen(p);
% figure(1)
% hold on title(‘Output Triangulation‘‘fontsize‘14) axis equal
% trisurf(tp(:1)p(:2)p(:3)‘facecolor‘‘c‘‘edgecolor‘‘b‘)
% Input:
% p is a Nx3 array containing the 3D set of points
% Output:
% t are points id contained in triangles nx3 array .
% See also qhull voronoin convhulln delaunay delaunay3 tetramesh.
% Author:Giaccari Luigi
% Last Update: 28/01/2009
% Created: 15/4/2008
% This work is free thanks to our sponsors and users graditude:
% -WORDANS: Make you own T-Shirt
% -ODICY: affordable luxury made easy
% -GIGASIZE: the easiest way to upload and share files
% -Advanced M-code
% % href=“https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_i d=8412682“>-Donate
% Thank you!
function [t]=MyCrustOpen(p)
%error check
if nargin>1
error(‘The only input must be the Nx3 array of points‘);
if n ~=3
error(‘Input 3D points must be stored in a 3D array‘);
clear m n
%% Main
%add points to the given ones this is usefull
%to create outside tetraedroms
fprintf(‘Added Shield: %4.4f s\n‘toc)
%delaunay 3D triangulation
tetr=delaunayn(p);%creating tedraedron
tetr=int32(tetr);%save memory
fprintf(‘Delaunay Triangulation Time: %4.4f s\n‘toc)
%Get connectivity relantionship among tetraedroms
fprintf(‘Connectivity Time: %4.4f s\n‘toc)
%get Circumcircle of tetraedroms
fprintf(‘Circumcenters Tetraedroms Time: %4.4f s\n‘toc)
%Get intersection factor
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 230270 2017-07-14 17:43 MyCrustOpen070909\Falangi.mat
文件 210927 2017-07-14 17:43 MyCrustOpen070909\Foot.mat
文件 112918 2017-07-14 17:43 MyCrustOpen070909\HandOliver.mat
文件 130335 2017-07-14 17:43 MyCrustOpen070909\Hypersheet.mat
文件 190015 2017-07-14 17:43 MyCrustOpen070909\Mannequin.mat
文件 29312 2017-07-14 17:43 MyCrustOpen070909\modelforD2_5.mat
文件 373644 2017-07-14 17:43 MyCrustOpen070909\Monkey2.mat
文件 22923 2017-07-14 17:43 MyCrustOpen070909\MyCrustOpen.m
文件 6184 2017-07-14 17:43 MyCrustOpen070909\Nefertiti.mat
文件 1664 2017-07-14 17:43 MyCrustOpen070909\Pipes.mat
文件 1599 2017-07-14 17:43 MyCrustOpen070909\TestMyCrustOpen.m
文件 1314 2017-07-14 17:43 license.txt
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