* Robotver3mod.c - Program that runs the Engs 147 robot
* Dan Magoon Jennifer Jain Jonah Sternthal Joe Leonor
* Spring 2018
* June 4th 2018
#memmap xmem //Force compilation to extended memory when the program gets large
#use BL26XX.lib //Import Library for BL2600
#define DATA 0x00ff
#define RD 8
#define WR 9
#define CS1 10
#define CS2 11
#define YX 12
#define CD 13
#define BP_RESET 0X01 // reset byte pointer
#define EFLAG_RESET 0X86 // reset E bit of flag register
#define CNT 0x01 // access control register
#define DAT 0x00 // access data register
#define BP_RESETB 0X81 // reset byte pointer (x and y)
#define CLOCK_DATA 2 // FCK frequency divider
#define CLOCK_SETUP 0X98 // transfer PR0 to PSC (x and y)
#define INPUT_SETUP 0XC7 // enable inputs A and B (x and y)
// set indexing function to load OL and
// A and B enable gate TWP 4/2/12
#define QUAD_X1 0XA8 // quadrature multiplier to 1 (x and y)
#define QUAD_X2 0XB0 // quadrature multiplier to 2 (x and y)
#define QUAD_X4 0XB8 // quadrature multiplier to 4 (x and y)
#define CNTR_RESET 0X02 // reset counter
#define CNTR_RESETB 0X82 // reset counter (x and y)
#define TRSFRPR_CNTR 0X08 // transfer preset register to counter
#define TRSFRCNTR_OL 0X90 // transfer CNTR to OL (x and y)
#define XYIDR_SETUP 0XE1 // set index cntrl register to active low
// input. index input is pulled up to +5V
// in hardware to disable index functions
// TWP 4/2/2012
#define HI_Z_STATE 0xFF
/**************** CONSTANT DECLERATIONS ****************/
#define LEFT 1 // left wheel motor encoder ID
#define RIGHT 2 // right wheel motor encoder ID
#define TOP 3 // IR sensor motor encoder ID
// Robot Specifications
#define WHEELbase 15.4 // cm wheelbase of bot
#define STEP 0.0160 //cm per encoder tick of wheel
// Mathematical Constants
#define PIE 3.14159265
#define HALFPIE 1.57079633
// Mapping Constants
#define BOXES 77 // initialize grid size to BOXES x BOXES
#define MAPSIZE 5929 // = BOXES*BOXES
#define BOXLENGTH 5 // cm length per box on grid
#define MAPFILTER 100 // points-per-box required for an obstacle to be live on map
#define REQWEIGHT 4 // points-per-box threashold for an obstacle and neighbors
#define DEWEIGHT 0 // amount below mapfilter to push down values of neighborless boxes
#define NEIGHBORS 2 // amount of neighbors required to be obstacle
#define LOOKAHEAD 10 // cm distance to lead bot in calculations
// Driving Speeds
#define VHIGH 1 // max v
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 7047 2019-02-20 00:43 复杂1.txt
文件 5772 2019-02-18 15:54 开口.txt
文件 5772 2019-02-18 16:03 一.txt
文件 10959 2019-02-21 21:46 原始代码.txt
....... 333 2018-06-06 02:57 AutonomousRobotNavigation-master\AutonomousRobotNavigation-master\README.md
....... 7950168 2018-06-06 02:57 AutonomousRobotNavigation-master\AutonomousRobotNavigation-master\Reportpdf.pdf
文件 30863 2018-06-06 02:57 AutonomousRobotNavigation-master\AutonomousRobotNavigation-master\Robotver5.c
文件 139776 2019-02-18 20:19 图3.doc
文件 6163 2019-02-19 13:37 四道杠.txt
文件 5772 2019-02-18 16:17 二.txt
文件 7427 2019-02-20 01:04 复杂2.txt
目录 0 2018-06-06 02:57 AutonomousRobotNavigation-master\AutonomousRobotNavigation-master
目录 0 2019-02-21 21:51 AutonomousRobotNavigation-master
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