
function [PDetectionParameters]=autofindpeaks(xySlopeThresholdAmpThresholdsmoothwidthpeakgroupsmoothtype)
% autofindpeaks(xySlopeThresholdAmpThresholdsmoothwidthpeakgroupsmoothtype)
% Automatic peak finder that locates and measures the positive peaks in a
% noisy x-y time series data. similar to findpeaksG or findpeaskSG except
% that the peak detection parameters SlopeThreshold AmpThreshold
% smoothwidth peakgroup smoothtype can be omitted and the function will
% calculate trial values based on the number of data points and/or the
% optional peak density (the last of 3 arguments after x and y). Returns a
% table (P) of peak number position absolute peak height peak-valley
% difference perpendicular drop area and tangent skim area of each peak.
% Detects peaks by looking for downward zero-crossings in the first
% derivative whose upward slopes exceed SlopeThreshold. If Peakgroup=0 the
% local maximum is taken as the peak height and position. For best results
% remove the background from the data before using this function. Optional
% input arguments “slopeThreshold“ “ampThreshold“ and “smoothwidth“
% control peak sensitivity of each segment. Higher values will neglect
% smaller features. “Smoothwidth“ is a vector of the widths of the smooths
% applied before peak detection; larger values ignore narrow peaks. If
% smoothwidth=0 no smoothing is performed. “Peakgroup“ is a vector of the
% number points around the top part of the peak that are taken for
% measurement. The argument “smoothtype“ determines the smooth algorithm:
% If smoothtype=1 rectangular (sliding-average or boxcar) If
% smoothtype=2 triangular (2 passes of sliding-average) If smoothtype=3
% pseudo-Gaussian (3 passes of sliding-average)
% Run testautopeaks.m to test and demonstrate this function.
% In version 1.1 [PDetectionParameters]=autofindpeaks...also returns the
% peak detection parameters as a 4-element row vector.
% See http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~toh/spectrum/Smoothing.html and
% http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~toh/spectrum/PeakFindingandMeasurement.htm
% (c) T.C. O‘Haver 2016. Version 1.1 February 2017
% The script testautofindpeaks.m runs all the examples below additionally
% plotting the data and numbering the peaks (like autofindpeaksplot.m)
% Example 1: One input argument; data in single vector
% x=[0:.01:5];y=sin(10*x);autofindpeaks(y);
% Example 2: One input argument; data in two columns of a matrix
% x=[0:.01:5]‘;y=x.*sin(x.^2).^2;M=[x y];autofindpeaks(M);
% Example 3: Two input arguments; data in separate x and y vectors
% x=[0:.1:100];y=(x.*sin(x)).^2;autofindpeaks(xy);
% or x=[0:.005:2];y=humps(x);P=autofindpeaks(xy)
% Example 4: Additional input argument (after the xy data) to control
% peak sensitivity; higher numbers for more peaks:
% x=[0:.1:10];y=5+5.*sin(x)+randn(size(x));autofindpeaks(xy3);
% or x=[0:.1:100];y=5+5.*cos(x)+randn(size(x));autofindpeaks(x
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 19351 2017-02-07 06:46 PeakFinder\autofindpeaks.m
文件 19087 2017-02-07 06:46 PeakFinder\autofindpeaksplot.m
文件 23081 2017-02-06 10:09 PeakFinder\autopeaks.m
文件 24228 2017-02-06 10:09 PeakFinder\autopeaksplot.m
文件 232 2016-03-16 06:59 PeakFinder\BWF.m
文件 3589 2016-05-04 10:17 PeakFinder\DemoFindPeak.m
文件 108288 2016-05-04 10:41 PeakFinder\DemoFindPeaksb.m
文件 115683 2015-04-09 08:57 PeakFinder\DemoFindPeaksb3.m
文件 4141 2015-04-07 07:27 PeakFinder\DemoFindPeakSNR.m
文件 5584 2016-11-29 07:18 PeakFinder\DemoFindPeaksSb.m
文件 309 2016-05-03 09:30 PeakFinder\demofindpeaksx.m
文件 10480 2015-03-28 08:20 PeakFinder\findpeaks.m
文件 105026 2016-04-22 19:02 PeakFinder\findpeaksb.m
文件 110136 2016-04-22 19:02 PeakFinder\findpeaksb3.m
文件 8501 2015-10-05 07:27 PeakFinder\FindpeaksComparison.m
文件 9264 2016-04-11 06:59 PeakFinder\findpeaksE.m
文件 7245 2016-04-11 07:00 PeakFinder\findpeaksF.m
文件 109516 2016-04-11 07:00 PeakFinder\findpeaksfit.m
文件 10635 2016-05-06 08:22 PeakFinder\findpeaksG.m
文件 9403 2016-04-11 07:02 PeakFinder\findpeaksGSS.m
文件 7858 2016-04-11 06:51 PeakFinder\findpeaksL.m
文件 8137 2016-04-11 07:03 PeakFinder\findpeaksLSS.m
文件 9280 2016-04-11 07:04 PeakFinder\findpeaksnr.m
文件 8438 2016-05-06 08:22 PeakFinder\findpeaksplot.m
文件 7916 2016-04-11 07:05 PeakFinder\findpeaksplotL.m
文件 105649 2016-11-29 07:17 PeakFinder\findpeaksSb.m
文件 13691 2016-11-29 07:16 PeakFinder\findpeaksSG.m
文件 12251 2016-11-29 07:17 PeakFinder\findpeaksSL.m
文件 7123 2016-04-11 07:06 PeakFinder\findpeaksSS.m
文件 11541 2016-04-11 07:05 PeakFinder\findpeaksT.m
文件 11597 2016-04-11 07:06 PeakFinder\findpeaksTplot.m
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