and multinomial inputs (still in development).
Supports binary and noisy rectified linear units (NReLU) in the hidden
%% This program trains Restricted Boltzmann Machine:基于CD-1法训练RBM模型
% in which visible binary stochastic pixels are connected to hidden binary stochastic feature detectors
% using symmetrically weighted connections. Learning is done with 1-step Contrastive Divergence.
%% The program assumes that the following variables are set externally:
% maxepoch -- maximum number of epochs
% numhid -- number of hidden units
% batchdata -- the data that is divided into batches (numcases numdims numbatches)
% restart -- set to 1 if learning starts from beginning
%% 20130924 commented by ZZH
%% 这个m文件运行结束后,得到关于RBM网络的三部分参数:
%% RBM网络训练结束,得到三组参数:vishid -- 连接权值矩阵,可见层节点数*隐含层节点数
% visbiases -- 可见层节点偏置向量 1行*可见层节点数
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 7402 2014-03-05 11:10 rbm.m
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7402 1
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