标准大气 MATLAB程序,可以直接运行

function [Z Z_L Z_U T P rho c g mu nu k n n_sum] = atmo(altdivisionunits)
% Program: 1976 Standard Atmosphere Calculator[0-1000 km]
% Author: Brent Lewis(RocketLion@gmail.com)
% University of Colorado-Boulder
% History: Original-1/10/2007
% Revision-1/12/2007-Corrected for changes in Matlab versions
% for backward compatability-Many thanks to Rich
% Rieber(rrieber@gmail.com)
% Input: alt: Final Geometric Altitude[km]
% division: Reporting points for output arrays[km]
% (.01 km & Divisible by .01 km)
% units: 1-[Metric]
% 2-{English}
% Default: Values used if no input
% alt: 1000 km
% division: 1 km
% units: Metric
% Output: Each value has a specific region that it is valid in with this model
% and is only printed out in that region
% Z: Total Reporting Altitudes[0<=alt<=1000 km][km]{ft}
% Z_L: Lower Atmosphere Reporting Altitudes[0<=alt<=86 km][km]{ft}
% Z_U: Upper Atmosphere Reporting Altitudes[86<=alt<=1000 km][km]{ft}
% T: Temperature array[0<=alt<=1000 km][K]{R}
% P: Pressure array[0<=alt<=1000 km][Pa]{in_Hg}
% rho: Density array[0<=alt<=1000 km][kg/m^3]{lb/ft^3}
% c: Speed of sound array[0<=alt<=86 km][m/s]{ft/s}
% g: Gravity array[0<=alt<=1000 km][m/s^2]{ft/s^2}
% mu: Dynamic Viscosity array[0<=alt<=86 km][N*s/m^2]{lb/(ft*s)}
% nu: Kinematic Viscosity array[0<=alt<=86 km][m^2/s]{ft^2/s}
% k: Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity
% array[0<=alt<=86 km][W/(m*K)]{BTU/(ft*s*R)}
% n: Number Density of individual gases
% (N2 O O2 Ar He H)[86km<=alt<=1000km][1/m^3]{1/ft^3}
% n_sum: Number Density of total gases
% [86km<=alt<=1000km][1/m^3]{1/ft^3}
% Acknowledgements: 1976 U.S. Standard Atmosphere
% Prof. Adam Norris-Numerical Analysis Class
% Steven S. Pietrobon USSA1976 Program
% Notes: Program uses a 5-point Simpson‘s Rule in 10
% meter increments. Results DO vary by less 1%
% compared to tabulated values and is probably
% caused by different integration techniques
% Examples: atmo() will compute the full atmosphere in 1 km
% increments and output in Metric Units
% atmo(10) will compute
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 6246 2007-01-12 19:49 atmo.m
文件 3646 2007-01-12 19:35 atmo_compo.m
文件 2312 2007-01-12 19:36 atmo_p.m
文件 1736 2007-01-11 04:47 atmo_temp.m
文件 2893 2007-01-11 04:40 f_n.m
文件 1108 2007-01-11 04:43 int_tau.m
文件 645 2007-01-12 19:43 tester.m
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