刀刃法求MTF曲线 matlab 数字图像处理

Slant Edge script
File: MTFscript.m
Written by: Patrick Granton
September 2 2010
Contact e-mail patrick.granton@maastro.nl
Tested using Matlab (R2008b)
including the imaging toolbox on a mac using OSX 10.5.8
A Gaussian fitting tool has been used in this code. You can download this
tool on the Matlab central website here: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/11733-gaussian-curve-fit
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Notes on script%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
General comments:
This code can be used to measure the pre-sampled MTF of an image which is a
quantity that describes the resolution of linear imaging system. The code
is based on measuring the pre-sample MTF using a precision machined
edge that is aligned - with respect to the columns or rows of an image -
at an angle between 1-5 degrees.
To learn more about the pre-sampled MTF consult the references at the end
of this script.
When you run this script your image containing the edge with appear with the
cropping tool. Crop your image to the region containing only the edge.
Double-click your cropped area for the script to continue.
Samei Flynn and Reimann (Ref.2 ) have a good description on how to
fabricate the edge to measure the pre-sampled MTF.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Begin script%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Identify and initialize all variables
isotropicpixelspacing = 0.2;
% isotropic detector pixel spacing in mm (i.e. pixel pitch).
% set this value to your detector
pixel_subdivision = 0.10;
% keep between 0.03 - > 0.15
% Samei Flynn and Reimann (Ref.2 )suggest that 0.1 subpixel bin spacing
% provides a good trade-off between sampling uniformity and noise.
bin_pad = 0.0001;
% Bin_pad adds a small space so that all values are included the histogram
% of edge spread distances.
span = 10;
% span is used to smooth the edge spread function
% Samei Flynn and Reimann (Ref.2 ) use a forth weighted
% Gaussian-weighted moving polynomial.
edge_span = 4;
% Used to improve the location of the edge
boundplusminus = 2;
% boundplusminus is a variable that is used to crop a small section of the
% edge in order to used to find the subpixel interpolated edge position.
boundplusminus_extra = 6;
% boundplusminus_extra incorperates addition pixel values near the edge to
% include in the binned histogram.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%LOAD IMAGE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Button_Image_Import = questdlg(‘What type of image would you like to import ?‘...
‘Image type?‘...
‘Dicom‘‘Tiff or Jpeg‘‘Matlab file‘‘Tiff or Jpeg‘);
switch Button_Image_Import
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 6148 2010-09-03 14:06 MATHWORKS_MTF\.DS_Store
文件 264118 2010-08-27 15:46 MATHWORKS_MTF\512by512_edgeImage.dcm
文件 104157 2010-09-03 13:49 MATHWORKS_MTF\MTF_output.jpg
文件 15380 2010-09-03 13:53 MATHWORKS_MTF\MTFsc
文件 15381 2010-09-03 14:03 MATHWORKS_MTF\MTFsc
文件 155012 2010-09-03 13:50 MATHWORKS_MTF\screenshot.png
文件 82 2010-09-03 14:06 __MACOSX\MATHWORKS_MTF\._.DS_Store
文件 82 2010-09-03 13:53 __MACOSX\MATHWORKS_MTF\._MTFsc
文件 325 2010-09-03 13:50 __MACOSX\MATHWORKS_MTF\._screenshot.png
文件 1349 2014-02-12 13:15 license.txt
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