function [x_hat success k] = ldpc_decode(f0f1H)
% decoding of binary LDPC as in Elec. Letters by MacKay&Neal 13March1997
% For notations see the same reference.
% function [x_hat success k] = ldpc_decode(yf0f1H)
% outputs the estimate x_hat of the ENCODED sequence for
% the received vector y with channel likelihoods of ‘0‘ and ‘1‘s
% in f0 and f1 and parity check matrix H. Success==1 signals
% successful decoding. Maximum number of iterations(重复迭代) is set to 100.
% k returns number of iterations until convergence(收敛).
% Example:
% We assume G is systematic G=[A|I] and obviously mod(G*H‘2)=0
% sigma = 1; % AWGN noise deviation
% x = (sign(randn(1size(G1)))+1)/2; % random bits
% y = mod(x*G2); % coding
% z = 2*y-1; % BPSK modulation
% z=z + sigma*randn(1size(G2)); % AWGN transmission
% f1=1./(1+exp(-2*z/sigma^2)); % likelihoods
% by兰朋朋 ./矩阵元素右除 A./B表示A(ij)/B(ij)
% f0=1-f1;
% [z_hat success k] = ldpc_decode(zf0f1H);
% x_hat = z_hat(size(G2)+1-size(G1):size(G2));
% x_hat = x_hat‘;
% Copyright (c) 1999 by Igor Kozintsev igor@ifp.uiuc.edu
% $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 1999/07/11 $
% fixed high-SNR decoding
[mn] = size(H);
if m>n
[mn] = size(H);
if ~issparse(H) % make H sparse if it is not sparse yet,%by兰朋朋 函数的功能是如果该函数不是稀疏矩阵,就把它转化为稀疏矩阵
%by兰朋朋 在MATLAB中,issparse函数用于判断一个稀疏矩阵存储方式是否是sparse storage organization
%by兰朋朋 如果稀疏矩阵的存储方式是sparse storage organization,则返回逻辑1;否则返回逻辑0。
[iijjsH] = find(H);
%by兰朋朋 返回矩阵H中的非零元素所在的行ii和所在的列jj和矩阵的非零元素sH
H = sparse(iijjsHmn);
%by兰朋朋 [ijs] = find(S);
%by兰朋朋 [mn] = size(S);
%by兰朋朋 S = sparse(ijsmn);
%by兰朋朋 BP译码算法
[iijj] = find(H); % subscript index to nonzero eleme
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