kinect、通过Kinect v2.0+ VS2015+openCV将彩色帧映射到深度空间
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “kinect.h“
//#include “PracticalSocket.h“
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
template //函数模板
inline void SafeRelease(Interface *& pInterfaceToRelease)
if (pInterfaceToRelease != NULL)
pInterfaceToRelease = NULL;
int main()
int depthWidth = 512;
int depthHeight = 424;
HRESULT hResult = S_OK;
//ColorSpacePoint* pointsCloud = nullptr;
IKinectSensor* pSensor;
ICoordinateMapper* pCoordinateMapper;
hResult = GetDefaultKinectSensor(&pSensor);
if (FAILED(hResult)) { cerr << “Error:GetDefaultKinectSensor“ << endl; return -1; }
IMultiSourceframeReader* m_pMultiframeReader;
// IBodyframeSource* m_pBodyframeSource;
//IBodyframeReader* m_pBodyframeReader;
hResult = pSensor->Open();
// 获取多数据源到读取器
frameSourceTypes::frameSourceTypes_Color |
frameSourceTypes::frameSourceTypes_Infrared |
if (FAILED(hResult)) { cerr << “Error:IKinectSensor::Open()“ << endl; return -11; }
if (FAILED(hResult)) { cerr << “Error:IKinectSensor::get_DepthframeSource()“ << endl; return -1; }
// 三个数据帧及引用
IDepthframe* m_pDepthframe = NULL;
IColorframe* m_pColorframe = NULL;
IDepthframeReference* m_pDepthframeReference = NULL;
IColorframeReference* m_pColorframeReference = NULL;
ColorSpacePoint* m_pColorCoordinates = NULL;
// CameraSpacePoint* m_pCameraCoordinates = NULL;
IMultiSourceframe* m_pMultiframe = NULL;//多源数据帧初始化
//unsigned int bufferSize = depthWidth * depthHeight * sizeof(unsigned short);
//Mat bufferMat(depthHeight depthWidth CV_16SC1);
//Mat depthMat(depthHeight depthWidth CV_8UC1);
//Mat i_depthToRgb(424 512 CV_8UC4);
BYTE *bgraData = new BYTE[1080 * 1920 * 4];
UINT16 *depthData = new UINT16[424 * 512];
//m_pCameraCoordinates = new CameraSpacePoint[512 * 424];
m_pColorCoordinates = new ColorSpacePoint[512 * 424];
//Mat i_rgb(1080 1920 CV_8UC4);
//Mat bufferMat;
while (1)
//IDepthframe* pDepthframe = nullptr;
// 获取新的一个多源数据帧
hResult = m_pMultiframeReader->AcquireLatestframe(&m_pMultiframe);
//UINT16 *depthData = new UINT16[424 * 512];
if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
hResult = m_pMultiframe->get_ColorframeReference(&m_pColorframeReference);
if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
hResult = m_pColorframeReference->Acquireframe(&m_pColorframe);
if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
hResult = m_pMultiframe->get_
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