// 4005 A1
// main.cpp
// student name: Yinxian She
// student ID: 115010061
// Created by 佘胤娴 on 2018/10/15.
//use these command lines to compile ane exe the program:
//mpic++ 4005a1.cpp -o 4005a1.out
//mpiexec --oversubscribe -n 4 ./4005a1.out
#include //cannot found? how about sys/malloc.h
//need to set in cpp file to change the array size
int count = 10;
int data[10];
usage: to generate the array with size of [count];
all the elements are random generated.
why put it here?
void arraygener(){
//srand((unsigned) time (NULL));
for (int i =0; i data[i] = (int)(rand()/
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