大小: 13.29MB文件类型: .rar金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2023-07-15
- 语言: C#
- 标签: RealSky Unity3d unitypackage
RealSky Unity3d实时动态天空球插件 ,unitypackage格式
RealSky is a simple, real-time sky solution specifically designed for low end mobile devices.
Key Features:
* Easy to use.
* Seamless blending between textures.
* Dynamic lighting (intensity and colour).
* Only uses 2 drawcalls.
* Optimised for mobile devices.
* Slowly rotates the sky to give the effect of moving clouds.
Included In Package:
* RealSky C# script.
* RealSky skybox shader.
* An example scene.
* Detailed instructions on how to use the package.
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文件 14004158 2013-03-09 12:37 RealSky.unitypackage
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文件 14004158 2013-03-09 12:37 RealSky.unitypackage
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