可运行的A star A* MATLAB 算法,包括地图显示。

%% a* algorithm
% seminar TU KL
% Author: Francisco J. Garcia R.
% based on:
% R. Kala (2014) Code for Robot Path Planning using A* algorithm
% Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad Available at: http://rkala.in/codes.html
%% Load Map and initial parameters
mapOriginal=im2bw(imread(‘Maps/a_map2.bmp‘)); % input map read from a bmp file.
mapResized=imresize(mapOriginal[resolutionX resolutionY]);
% Conection matrix - define admisible movement of robot
conn=[1 1 1;
1 2 1;
1 1 1];
display_process=true; % display processing of nodes
% grow boundary by 1 unit pixel - take into account size of robot
for i=1:size(mapResized1)
for j=1:size(mapResized2)
if mapResized(ij)==0
if i-1>=1 map(i-1j)=0; end
if j-1>=1 map(ij-1)=0; end
if i+1<=size(map1) map(i+1j)=0; end
if j+1<=size(map2) map(ij+1)=0; end
if i-1>=1 && j-1>=1 map(i-1j-1)=0; end
if i-1>=1 && j+1<=size(map2) map(i-1j+1)=0; end
if i+1<=size(map1) && j-1>=1 map(i+1j-1)=0; end
if i+1<=size(map1) && j+1<=size(map2) map(i+1j+1)=0; end
image((map==0).*0 + (map==1).*255 + (mapResized-map).*150);
disp(‘select source in the image‘);
[xy] = ginput(1);
source=[double(int8(y)) double(int8(x))]; % source position in Y X format
disp(‘select goal in the image‘);
[xy] = ginput(1);
goal = [double(int8(y)) double(int8(x))]; % goal position in Y X format
if length(find(conn==2))~=1 error(‘no robot specified in connection matrix‘); end
%% Compute path
%structure of a node is taken as positionY positionX historic cost heuristic cost total cost parent index in closed list (-1 for source)
Q=[source 0 heuristic(sourcegoal) 0+heuristic(sourcegoal) -1]; % the processing queue of A* algorihtm open list
closed=ones(size(map)); % the closed list taken as a hash map. 1=not visited 0=visited
closedList=[]; % the closed list taken as a list
while size(Q1)>0
[A I]=min(Q[]1);
n=Q(I(5):); % smallest cost element to process
Q=[Q(1:I(5)-1:);Q(I(5)+1:end:)]; % delete element under processing
if n(1)==goal(1) && n(2)==goal(2) % goal test
[rxryrv]=find(conn==2); % robot position at the connection matrix
[mxmymv]=find(conn==1); % array of possible moves
for mxi=1:size(mx1) %iterate through all moves
newPos=[n(1)+mx(mxi)-rx n(2)+my(mxi)-ry]; % possible new node
if checkPath(n(1:2)newPosmap) %if path from n to newPos is collission-free
if closed(newPos(1)newPos(2))~=0 % not already in closed
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2017-09-30 14:03 Maps\
文件 251078 2017-09-30 14:03 Maps\a_map1.bmp
文件 251078 2017-09-30 14:03 Maps\a_map2.bmp
文件 251078 2017-09-30 14:03 Maps\a_map3.bmp
文件 251078 2017-09-30 14:03 Maps\a_map4.bmp
文件 251078 2017-09-30 14:03 Maps\a_map5.bmp
文件 308346 2017-09-30 14:03 Maps\map1.bmp
文件 4685 2016-11-28 19:46 a_star.m
文件 3256 2019-02-12 10:30 a_start_compute_path.m
文件 978 2019-02-12 10:30 checkPath.m
文件 727 2019-02-12 10:30 feasiblePoint.m
文件 542 2019-02-12 10:30 heuristic.m
文件 535 2019-02-12 10:30 historic.m
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