GPS L5软件MATLAB仿真接收机,根据经典的GPS MATLAB软件接收机改造,能够进行捕获和跟踪
function acqResults = acquisition(longSignal settings)
%Function performs cold start acquisition on the collected “data“. It
%searches for GPS signals of all satellites which are listed in field
%“acqSatelliteList“ in the settings structure. Function saves code phase
%and frequency of the detected signals in the “acqResults“ structure.
%acqResults = acquisition(longSignal settings)
% Inputs:
% longSignal - 11 ms of raw signal from the front-end
% settings - Receiver settings. Provides information about
% sampling and intermediate frequencies and other
% parameters including the list of the satellites to
% be acquired.
% Outputs:
% acqResults - Function saves code phases and frequencies of the
% detected signals in the “acqResults“ structure. The
% field “carrFreq“ is set to 0 if the signal is not
% detected for the given PRN number.
% SoftGNSS v3.0
% Copyright (C) Darius Plausinaitis and Dennis M. Akos
% Written by Darius Plausinaitis and Dennis M. Akos
% based on Peter Rinder and Nicolaj Bertelsen
%This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
%as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
%of the License or (at your option) any later version.
%This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
%but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%GNU General Public License for more details.
%You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%along with this program; if not write to the Free Software
%Foundation Inc. 51 Franklin Street Fifth Floor Boston MA 02110-1301
%CVS record:
%$Id: acquisition.mv 2006/08/14 12:08:03 dpl Exp $
%% Initialization =========================================================
% Find number of samples per spreading code
samplesPerCode = round(settings.samplingFreq / ...
(settings.codeFreqBasis / settings.codeLength));
% Create two 1msec vectors of data to correlate with and one with zero DC
signal1 = longSignal(1 : samplesPerCode);
signal2 = longSignal(samplesPerCode+1 : 2*samplesPerCode);
signal0DC = longSignal - mean(longSignal);
% Find sampling period
ts = 1 / settings.samplingFreq;
% Find phase points of the local carrier wave
phasePoints = (0 : (samplesPerCode-1)) * 2 * pi * ts;
% Number of the frequency bins for the given acquisition band (500Hz steps)
numberOfFrqBins = round(settings.acqSearc
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 9838 2018-10-30 03:49 L5_SDR\acquisition.m
文件 3370 2006-08-10 01:20 L5_SDR\calculatePseudoranges.m
文件 6724 2006-08-14 19:38 L5_SDR\findPreambles.m
文件 1720 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\cart2geo.m
文件 5055 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\cart2utm.m
文件 679 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\check_t.m
文件 945 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\clksin.m
文件 619 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\clsin.m
文件 1135 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\e_r_corr.m
文件 2650 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\findUtmZone.m
文件 1543 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\geo2cart.m
文件 4461 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\leastSquarePos.m
文件 5201 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\satpos.m
文件 2892 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\togeod.m
文件 1418 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\topocent.m
文件 2900 2006-08-22 21:46 L5_SDR\geoFunctions\tropo.m
文件 1705 2006-08-14 19:38 L5_SDR\include\calcLoopCoef.m
文件 1911 2006-08-14 19:38 L5_SDR\include\checkPhase.m
文件 67853 2018-10-16 21:19 L5_SDR\include\codes_L5I.mat
文件 67807 2018-10-16 21:19 L5_SDR\include\codes_L5Q.mat
文件 1985 2014-12-10 10:30 L5_SDR\include\deg2dms.m
文件 1584 2014-12-19 22:17 L5_SDR\include\dms2deg.m
文件 3380 2014-12-10 10:30 L5_SDR\include\dms2mat.m
文件 7292 2006-08-14 19:38 L5_SDR\include\ephemeris.m
文件 501 2018-11-05 16:03 L5_SDR\include\generateCAcode.m
文件 1424 2006-08-14 19:38 L5_SDR\include\invert.m
文件 3285 2018-10-30 02:39 L5_SDR\include\makeCaTable.m
文件 4202 2014-12-10 10:30 L5_SDR\include\mat2dms.m
文件 4653 2006-08-14 19:38 L5_SDR\include\navPartyChk.m
文件 3366 2006-08-14 19:38 L5_SDR\include\preRun.m
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