利用各向异性扩散方法对超声图像去噪的四篇论文以及matlab代码,希望对你有用。 speckle reducing
[1] P. Perona and J. Malik. Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion.IEEE Trans. 1990.
[2] Y. Yu and S.T. Acton, Speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion,IEEE Trans. 2002
[3] S. Aja‐Fernandez, C. Alberola Lopez, On the Estimation of the Coefficient of Variation for Anisotropic Diffusion Speckle Filtering, IEEE Trans. 2006.
[4] Karl Krissian,Oriented Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion,IEEE TRANS 2007

% ANISODIFF - Anisotropic diffusion.
% diff = anisodiff(im niter kappa lambda option)
% im - input image
% niter - number of iterations.
% kappa - conduction coefficient 20-100 ?
% lambda - max value of .25 for stability
% option - 1 Perona Malik diffusion equation No 1
% 2 Perona Malik diffusion equation No 2
% Return
% diff - diffused image.
% kappa controls conduction as a function of gradient. If kappa is low
% then mall intensity gradients are able to block conduction and hence diffusion
% across step edges. A large value reduces the influence of intensity
% gradients on conduction.
% lambda controls speed of diffusion (you usually want it at a maximum of
% 0.25)
% Diffusion equation 1 preserve high contrast edges over low contrast ones.
% Diffusion equation 2 favours wide regions over smaller ones.
% Reference:
% P. Perona and J. Malik.
% Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion.
% IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
% 12(7):629-639 July 1990.
function diff = anisodiff(im niter kappa lambda option)
if ndims(im)==3
error(‘Anisodiff only operates on 2D grey-scale images‘);
im = double(im);
[rowscols] = size(im);
diff = im;
var = 2;
x = (-4:4);
g = exp(-x.*x/(2*var)); g = g/sum(g);
blurred = conv2(img‘same‘);
im_b = conv2(blurredg‘‘same‘);
for i = 1:niter
% fprintf(‘\rIteration %d‘i);
% Construct diffl which is the same as diff but
% has an extra padding of zeros around it.
diffl = zeros(rows+2 cols+2);
diffl(2:rows+1 2:cols+1) = diff;
% North South East and West differences
deltaN = diffl(1:rows2:cols+1) - diff;
deltaS = diffl(3:rows+22:cols+1) - diff;
deltaE = diffl(2:rows+13:cols+2) - diff;
deltaW = diffl(2:rows+11:cols) - diff;
%deltaN = diff;deltaW;
% Conduction
if option == 1
cN = exp(-(deltaN/kappa).^2);
cS = exp(-(deltaS/kappa).^2);
cE = exp(-(deltaE/kappa).^2);
cW = exp(-(deltaW/kappa).^2);
elseif option == 2
cN = 1./(1 + (deltaN/kappa).^2);
cS = 1./(1 + (deltaS/kappa).^2);
cE = 1./(1 + (deltaE/kappa).^2);
cW = 1./(1 + (deltaW/kappa).^2);
diff = diff + lambda*(cN.*deltaN + cS.*deltaS + cE.*deltaE + cW.*deltaW);
% Uncomment the following to see a progression of images
% subplot(ceil(sqrt(niterations))ceil(sqrt(niterations)) i)
% imagesc(diff) colormap(gray) axis image
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2012-11-13 15:25 Anisotropic Diffusion\
目录 0 2012-11-13 15:24 Anisotropic Diffusion\DPAD\
文件 3891320 2012-09-18 18:42 Anisotropic Diffusion\DPAD\1 On the Estimation of the coefficient of variation for anisotropic diffusion speckle filtering.pdf
文件 9580 2012-08-27 15:10 Anisotropic Diffusion\DPAD\DPAD_toolbox.zip
目录 0 2012-11-13 15:24 Anisotropic Diffusion\OSRAD\
文件 2616381 2012-09-10 08:34 Anisotropic Diffusion\OSRAD\1 Oriented speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion.pdf
文件 761 2012-11-13 15:23 Anisotropic Diffusion\OSRAD\说明.txt
目录 0 2012-11-13 15:24 Anisotropic Diffusion\PM_AD\
文件 1332481 2012-10-21 22:29 Anisotropic Diffusion\PM_AD\Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion.pdf
文件 2694 2006-02-13 15:32 Anisotropic Diffusion\PM_AD\anisodiff.m
目录 0 2012-11-13 15:11 Anisotropic Diffusion\SRAD\
文件 5286 2006-04-10 15:42 Anisotropic Diffusion\SRAD\SRAD.m
文件 574071 2012-09-05 11:52 Anisotropic Diffusion\SRAD\SRAD.zip
文件 9307 2006-04-10 15:42 Anisotropic Diffusion\SRAD\SRAD_c.c
文件 8704 2006-04-10 15:42 Anisotropic Diffusion\SRAD\SRAD_c.dll
文件 768150 2012-10-13 10:38 Anisotropic Diffusion\SRAD\Speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion.pdf
文件 1290 2006-04-10 15:42 Anisotropic Diffusion\SRAD\ex_SRAD.m
文件 18011 2006-03-08 17:33 Anisotropic Diffusion\SRAD\licence.txt
文件 67898 2006-03-08 14:18 Anisotropic Diffusion\SRAD\ultrasound phantom.bmp
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