基于camshift均值漂移算法, kalman卡尔曼滤波算法及LBP特征的目标跟随算法,配置完成 opencv路径即可运行。LBP特征跟踪非常的稳定,对于颜色差别不大的区域也能流程跟随,比如跟踪手能够平滑的经过脸部区域而不漂移。工程为集中集中算法融合优化,非常适合学习及工程实践。
* TJ Wilkason 2009 science fair project to track video objects
* Goal: Track video objects as the move through occlusions
#include “camshift.h“
#include “clsKalman.h“
#include “tmplDetector.h“
IplImage *imgProcess = 0
*imgHSV = 0 *imgHSVPlanes[3] *imgCurrentMask=0*lbpImage=0
*imgTargetMask = 0 *imgBackProjection = 0 *imgHistRaw=0*imgLBPTarget=0
*imgLBPBG=0 *imgHistTarget = 0*imgHistBG=0 *imgContour=0 *lbpGray=0;
CvHistogram *histTarget = 0*histTargetOrig = 0 *histBG=0 *histCandidate = 0 *histBGtemp=0;
// Program Settings
int defFlip= 0;
int defCapture=0;
int defOcclusion=0; // 0 = None 1 = Wood Track 2 = Cement Track
int defTrackBoxMin = 10;
int defUseKalman=1;
int defUseTemplate=1;
int defLogfile=0;
int defDebugGraphics=1;
double defMinArea=2000.0; // Any smaller boxTrack data is invalid
double winFactor =2.0;
double fps=30.0;
double GF = 1.0; // Increase search window size
double defMinAreaFactor = 0.5;
TrackType TrackMode = NOTRACK;
// Mode Settings
int modeBackProjection = 0;
int modeSelectobject = 0;
int modeShowHistogram = 1;
// Histogram
#define MAXHUE 180
#define LBPBINS 36
#define LBPSIZE 36 //max possible values of LBP
#define LBPOS 5 //default offset for LBP operation (4/5 works for lbp36)
int histSize[] = {32 16 LBPBINS};
float hranges_arr[] = {0MAXHUE};
float sranges_arr[] = {0255};
float vranges_arr[] = {0LBPSIZE-1};
#if DEPTH == 1
float* hranges[] = {hranges_arr};
#elif DEPTH ==2
float* hranges[] = {hranges_arr sranges_arr};
float* hranges[] = {hranges_arr sranges_arr vranges_arr};
int adjVmin = 10 adjVmax = 256 adjSmin = 100 adjSmax=MAXHUE;
CvFont font;
CvScalar fontColor = CV_RGB(000);
CvPoint ptOrigin;
CvRect rectSel;
CvRect rectCamSW;
CvBox2D boxTrack;
CvConnectedComp compTrack;
// Automatically adjust the limits for the Sat/Lum
void adjustLimits(IplImage *imgHSV);
void initHistogram(CvHistogram *histT CvHistogram *histBIplImage **imgHSVPlanes IplImage *imgTMCvRect useRectSeldouble threshold);
void on_mouse( int event int x int y int flags void* param );
void radialGradient(IplImage *image);
float framesPerSecond(CvCapture *capture);
float timeNow=0;
int waitMS=0;
int main( int argc char** argv )
results myResults;
cvInitFont(&fontCV_FONT_VECTOR0 0.6 0.6 0.0 2);
CvCapture* capture = 0;
double skMeasurementNoise =30.0 /2.0;
double acqThreshold = -0.25;
char imgText[255];
int wait=20;
double histCorr=0; // histogram correlation
CvScalar avgHSV stdHSV;
int useOffset=0;
1 Input File
2 Log File
3 Process Noise
4 Measurement Noise
5 wait period < 0 = none
6 nthframe (frame skipping)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2752512 2016-11-15 17:41 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\ipch\opentest-4710cc43\opentest-526e489e.ipch
文件 3792 2016-11-15 11:31 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\camshift.h
文件 39062 2010-04-09 08:13 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\camshiftKalman.cpp
文件 12035 2016-11-15 11:23 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\camshiftutils.cpp
文件 3968 2016-11-15 11:23 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\clsKalman.cpp
文件 744 2010-02-13 18:44 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\clsKalman.h
文件 5301 2016-11-15 11:23 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\condensation.cpp
文件 1065 2010-02-14 12:36 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\Coord.h
文件 5143 2016-11-15 13:42 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\FindFile.cpp
文件 2296 2016-11-15 13:42 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\FindFile.h
文件 9365 2016-11-15 11:23 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\Histogram.cpp
文件 6647 2016-11-15 11:23 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\LBP.cpp
文件 39072 2016-11-15 13:39 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\opentest.cpp
文件 5661 2016-11-15 13:41 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\opentest.vcxproj
文件 2864 2016-11-15 11:21 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\opentest.vcxproj.filters
文件 143 2015-11-02 15:16 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\opentest.vcxproj.user
文件 1560 2015-11-02 15:16 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\ReadMe.txt
文件 1251 2010-02-14 19:42 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\SampleStat.h
文件 3133 2009-10-18 14:55 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\SDL.h
文件 213 2015-11-02 15:16 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\stdafx.cpp
文件 233 2015-11-02 15:16 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\stdafx.h
文件 236 2015-11-02 15:16 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\targetver.h
文件 2960 2016-11-15 11:23 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\tmplDetector.cpp
文件 524 2010-02-13 17:42 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\tmplDetector.h
文件 2008 2016-11-15 11:23 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\VAR.cpp
文件 5672 2010-01-31 11:29 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\vidCapture.avi
文件 4852 2016-11-15 11:23 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\wildcard.cpp
文件 1803 2002-11-29 13:56 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest\wildcard.h
文件 891 2015-11-02 15:16 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest.sln
..A..H. 42496 2016-11-15 20:05 camShiftKalmanLBP-VS2010\opentest.suo
- 上一篇:人脸检测及跟踪算法实现
- 下一篇:螺旋输送EDEM模拟
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