MATLAB & Bash Scripts for analyzing neurodata acquired from epilepsy patients
function varargout = dicm2nii(src dataFolder varargin)
% DICM2NII converts dicom files into NIfTI or img/hdr files.
% DICM2NII(dcmSource niiFolder outFormat MoCoOption subjName)
% The input arguments are all optional:
% 1. source file or folder. It can be a zip or tgz file a folder containing
% dicom files or other convertible files. It can also contain wildcards
% like ‘run1_*‘ for all files start with ‘run1_‘.
% 2. folder to save result files.
% 3. output file format:
% 0 or ‘nii‘ for single nii uncompressed.
% 1 or ‘nii.gz‘ for single nii compressed (default).
% 2 or ‘hdr‘ for hdr/img pair uncompressed.
% 3 or ‘hdr.gz‘ for hdr/img pair compressed.
% 4 or ‘3D.nii‘ for 3D nii uncompressed (SPM12).
% 5 or ‘3D.nii.gz‘ for 3D nii compressed.
% 6 or ‘3D.hdr‘ for 3D hdr/img pair uncompressed (SPM8).
% 7 or ‘3D.hdr.gz‘ for 3D hdr/img pair compressed.
% 4. MoCo series options:
% 0 create files for both original and MoCo series.
% 1 ignore MoCo series if both present (default).
% 2 ignore original series if both present.
% Note that if only one of the two series is present it will be created
% always.
% 5. subject name for the data. The code can do only one subject each time.
% If you have a folder or zip/tgz file for multiple subjects (not
% recommended) you can specify which subject to convert with the 5th input.
% The name should be the Patient Name entered at scanner console for in
% format of LastName^FirstName such as Smith^John or simply the Last name
% if no First name was provided to the console. If you already have mixed
% subject data in a folder you can let the code return the unconverted
% subject names in the second output argument and then provide each of
% subjects as the 5th input to convert data into specific subject folder
% (see example below).
% A better method to deal with mixed subject data is to use SORT_DICM to
% sort files into different subject folder then convert one by one.
% The optional output are converted (1st) and unconverted (2nd) PatientName.
% Typical examples:
% dicm2nii; % bring up user interface if there is no input argument
% dicm2nii(‘D:/myProj/zip/subj1.zip‘ ‘D:/myProj/subj1/data‘); % zip file
% dicm2nii(‘D:/myProj/subj1/dicom/‘ ‘D:/myProj/subj1/data‘); % folder
% Less useful examples:
% dicm2nii(‘D:/myProj/dicom/‘ ‘D:/myProj/subj2/data‘ [] [] ‘subj2‘);
% dicm2nii(‘D:/myProj/dicom/run2*‘ ‘D:/myProj/subj/data‘);
% dicm2nii(‘D:/dicom/‘ ‘D:/data‘ ‘3D.nii‘); % SPM style files
% Example to deal with multiple subjects:
% [converted otherSubj] = dicm2nii(‘D:/myProj/dicom/‘ ‘D:/myProj/subj1/data‘);
% movefile(‘D:/myProj/subj1‘ [‘D:/myProj/‘ converted]); % rename folder
% In case of multiple subjects above command will convert one of the su
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\
文件 62 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\.gitignore
目录 0 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\
文件 81439 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\dicm2nii.m
文件 316 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\dicm2nii_gui_para.mat
文件 46448 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\dicm_dict.m
文件 34182 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\dicm_hdr.m
文件 4810 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\dicm_img.m
文件 38889 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\nii_tool.m
文件 59992 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\pigz
文件 241865 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\pigz.win
文件 119888 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\pthreadGC2.win
文件 5586 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\rename_dicm.m
文件 3024 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\DICM2NII\sort_dicm.m
目录 0 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\
文件 288 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\binaryQuery.m
文件 2629 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\checkCfg.m
文件 120 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\checkFile.m
文件 2736 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\csv2Cell.m
文件 3203 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\csv2CellOneCol.m
文件 3809 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\csv2CellQ2.m
文件 855 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\findStrInCell.m
文件 363 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\findTpt.m
文件 748 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\getFsurfSubDir.m
文件 7064 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\mgrid2matlabORIG.m
文件 222 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\nearestValId.m
文件 282 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\rmChar.m
文件 777 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\rmSubstring.m
文件 489 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\universalNo.m
文件 440 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\EPISURG_MATLAB_ADMIN\universalYes.m
目录 0 2017-01-25 18:05 EpiSurg-master\FSURF_MATLAB\
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