function [apar1par2par3par4par5par6] = fitellipse(XY)
% FITELLIPSE Least-squares fit of ellipse to 2D points.
% A = FITELLIPSE(XY) returns the parameters of the best-fit
% ellipse to 2D points (XY).
% The returned vector A contains the center radii and orientation
% of the ellipse stored as (Cx Cy Rx Ry theta_radians)
% Authors: Andrew Fitzgibbon Maurizio Pilu Bob Fisher
% Reference: “Direct Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses“ IEEE T-PAMI 1999
% This is a more bulletproof version than that in the paper incorporating
% scaling to reduce roundoff error correction of behaviour when the input
% data are on a perfect hyperbola and returns the geometric parameters
% of the ellipse rather than the coefficients of the quadratic form.
% Example: Run fitellipse without any arguments to get a demo
if nargin == 0
% Create an ellipse
t = linspace(02);
Rx = 300
Ry = 200
Cx = 250
Cy = 150
Rotation = .4 % Radians
x = Rx * cos(t);
y = Ry * sin(t);
nx = x*cos(Rotation)-y*sin(Rotation) + Cx;
ny = x*sin(Rotation)+y*cos(Rotation) + Cy;
% Draw it
% Fit it
% Note it returns (Rotation - pi/2) and swapped radii this is fine.
% normalize data
mx = mean(X);
my = mean(Y);
sx = (max(X)-min(X))/2;
sy = (max(Y)-min(Y))/2;
x = (X-mx)/sx;
y = (Y-my)/sy;
% Force to column vectors
x = x(:);
y = y(:);
% Build design matrix
D = [ x.*x x.*y y.*y x y ones(size(x)) ];
% Build scatter matrix
S = D‘*D;
% Build 6x6 constraint matrix
C(66) = 0; C(13) = -2; C(22) = 1; C(31) = -2;
% Solve eigensystem
[gevec geval] = eig(SC);
% Find the negative eigenvalue
% [NegRNegC]=find(geval<0&~isinf(geval));
% A=gevec(:NegC);
I = find(real(diag(geval)) < 1e-8 & ~isinf(diag(geval)));
% Extract eigenvector corresponding to negative eigenvalue
A = real(gevec(:I));
% m=(A‘*S*A);
% A=A*sqrt(geval(I)/m);
% unnormalize
par = [
A(1)*sy*sy ...
A(2)*sx*sy ...
A(3)*sx*sx ...
-2*A(1)*sy*sy*mx - A(2)*sx*sy*my + A(4)*sx*sy*sy ...
-A(2)*sx*sy*mx - 2*A(3)*sx*sx*my + A(5)*sx*sx*sy ...
A(1)*sy*sy*mx*mx + A(2)*sx*sy*mx*my + A(3)*sx*sx*my*my ...
- A(4)*sx*sy*sy*mx - A(5)*sx*sx*sy*my ...
+ A(6)*sx*sx*sy*sy ...
% Convert to geometric radii and centers
thetarad = 0.5*atan2(par(2)par(1) - par(3));
cost = cos(thetarad);
sint = sin(thetarad);
sin_squared = sint.*sint;
cos_squared = cost.*cost;
cos_sin = sint .* cost;
Ao = par(6);
Au = par(4) .* cost + par(5) .* sint;
Av = - par(4) .* sint + par(5) .* cost;
Auu = par(1) .* cos_squared + par(3) .* sin_squared + par(2) .* cos_sin;
Avv = par(1) .* sin_squared + par(3) .* cos_squared - par(2) .* cos_sin;
% ROTATED = [Ao Au Av Auu Avv]
tuCentre = - Au./(2.*Auu);
tvCentre = - Av./(2.*Avv);
wCentre = Ao - Auu.*tuCentre.*tuCentre - Avv.*tvCentre.*tvCentre;
uCentre = tuCentre
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2012-06-21 14:25 ransac拟合代码\
目录 0 2012-08-17 14:33 ransac拟合代码\椭圆拟合程序\
文件 3553 2010-11-26 18:29 ransac拟合代码\椭圆拟合程序\fitellipse.m
文件 4958 2010-11-26 19:35 ransac拟合代码\椭圆拟合程序\fitellipse1.m
文件 1904 2010-11-26 18:34 ransac拟合代码\椭圆拟合程序\fitellipse2.m
目录 0 2012-08-27 14:03 ransac拟合代码\直线拟合程序\
文件 5019478 2011-12-28 17:07 ransac拟合代码\直线拟合程序\image4.bmp
文件 1408 2012-05-04 16:44 ransac拟合代码\直线拟合程序\ransac.asv
文件 1426 2012-08-09 16:00 ransac拟合代码\直线拟合程序\ransac.m
文件 302586 2012-05-04 16:40 ransac拟合代码\直线拟合程序\硅臂直线.bmp
文件 852282 2012-05-04 17:13 ransac拟合代码\直线拟合程序\硅臂直线2.bmp
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