%% Power curve of a small-scale wind turbine system.
%Plot the power curve of a small-scale wind turbine system. Equations and
%explanation can be found in [1].
%[1] Qu関al L.; Joulain C.; Casillas C. Measuring the Power Curve of a
%Small-Scale Wind Turbine: A Practical Example. In Proceedings of the 1st
%Int. e-Conf. on Energies 14-31 March 2014; Sciforum Electronic Conference
%Series Vol. 1 2014 c011; doi:10.3390/ece-1-c011
% blueDiamond3-TSR6.mat - Recorded wind speed DC current and DC voltage.
% Table3 - Power curve table
% Figure - Power curve figure
% Just run this file!
% The error bar represents the output power standard deviation in each bin.
% If you use this code and would like to acknowledge it (and direct
% others to it) please cite [1].
% REQUIRED: none
% SEE ALSO: none
% AUTHOR: 2014-02-28 L.Queval (loic.queval@gmail.com)
% EDIT: none
%------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
clear all close all clc
%% Parameters and data
bin = [0:0.5:14.5]; % 0.5m/s wind bins
load blueDiamond3-TSR6.mat % yeardayhourspdcurvolt
%% Data rejection and selection 24 V range
ind = find(spd>0 & cur>=0 & volt>=23.94 & volt<=26.46); % 25.2+-5%
spd = spd(ind); cur = cur(ind); volt = volt(ind);
%% Correction factors
spd = spd*(24.4/20)^0.31; % speed corrected with Eq.(1)
pwr = volt.*cur/0.95; % power correct with Eq.(2)
%% Binning method
for i = 1:length(bin)
ind = find(spd>=(bin(i)-0.25) & spd<(bin(i)+0.25)); % 0.5m/s bins
pts_bin(i) = length(ind); % bin nb of points
if isempty(ind)
pwr_bin(i) = NaN; vel_bin(i) = NaN; err_bin(i) = NaN;
pwr_bin(i) = mean(pwr(ind)); % bin average power
vel_bin(i) = bin(i); % bin average speed
err_bin(i) = std(pwr(ind)); % bin standard deviation
%% Display Table 3
Table3 = [bin‘pwr_bin‘pts_bin‘]
%% Plot Figure 2(b)
ind10 = find(pts_bin>=10); % >10 min
figure(); hold on box on
plot(spdpwr‘.r‘); % measured
errorbar(vel_bin(ind10)pwr_bin(ind10)err_bin(ind10)); % >10 min
errorbar(vel_binpwr_binerr_bin‘--‘); % <10 min
legend(‘Measured‘‘25.2V \pm 5%‘2) legend(‘boxoff‘)
xlabel(‘Wind speed [m/s]‘) ylabel(‘Power output [W]‘) axis([0 14 0 1000])
%-------------- END CODE ---------------
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 297764 2014-07-22 02:37 blueDiamond3-TSR6.mat
文件 7563 2014-07-22 02:37 html\main_PowerCurve_ece2014_html.html
文件 4197 2014-07-22 02:37 html\main_PowerCurve_ece2014_html.png
文件 11129 2014-07-22 02:37 html\main_PowerCurve_ece2014_html_01.png
文件 149049 2014-07-22 02:37 Measuring_the_Power_Curve_SWT_code_QUEVAL_20140228.pdf
文件 189848 2014-07-22 02:37 PowerCurve_ece2014.png
文件 2411 2014-03-15 04:21 main_PowerCurve_ece2014.m
文件 2731281 2014-03-15 04:00 Measuring_the_Power_Curve_SWT_article_QUEVAL_20140314.pdf
文件 1311 2014-07-22 02:37 license.txt
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