%Programmed by: Ido Schwartz
%About: It calculates the dispersion of Valance and Conduction Energy Bands
%Gallium Arsenide semiconductor bands calculation in K*p model.
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%%%%%%%%%% data %%%%%%%%%%
E_g = 1.424; % gap energy [eV]
E_p = 28.8; % valence dipole energy [eV]
g_1 = 6.79; % luttinger parameter #1
g_2 = 1.924; % luttinger parameter #1
g_3 = 2.782; % luttinger parameter #1
delta = 0.341; % spin orbit coupling energy [eV]
m_c = 0.065; % conduction band mass [m_0]
E_v = 0; % valence band initial energy [eV]
E_c = E_v+E_g; % conduction band initial energy [eV]
c = 3e8; % speed of light [m/sec]
m_0 = 0.51e6/c^2; % free electron mass [eV*sec^2/m^2]
h = 4.135e-15; % Planck‘s constant [eV*sec]
h_bar = h/(2*pi); % h_bar [eV*sec]
h_m = h_bar^2/m_0; % [eV*m^2]
a = 5.6532e-10; % latice const [m]
%%%%% initial calculation %%%%%
p = sqrt(h_m*E_p/2);
A = 0.5*h_m/m_c-(p^2/E_g)*(E_g+(2/3)*delta)/(E_g+delta);
B = 0;
N = -3*h_m*g_3+p^2/E_g;
M = -0.5*h_m*(g_1-2*g_2);
L = -0.5*h_m*(g_1+4*g_2)+p^2/E_g;
%%%%%% k values %%%%%%%
k= (-0.1*2*pi/a):(0.01*2*pi/a):(0.1*2*pi/a);
%%%% (100) direction %%%%
k_x = k;
k_y = 0*k_x;
k_z = 0*k_x;
%%%% (110) direction %%%%
% k_x = 1/sqrt(2)*k;
% k_y = k_x;
% k_z = 0*k_x;
%%%% (110) direction %%%%
% k_x = 1/sqrt(3)*k;
% k_y = k_x;
% k_z = k_x;
%%%% (111) direction %%%%
% k_x = 1/sqrt(14)*k;
% k_y = 2*k_x;
% k_z = 3*k_x;
%%% the matrices %%%
for r=1:length(k)
G_1 = [ E_c i*p*k_x(r) i*p*k_y(r) i*p*k_z(r) ;...
-i*p*k_x(r) E_v-delta/3 0 0 ;...
-i*p*k_y(r) 0 E_v-delta/3 0 ;...
-i*p*k_z(r) 0 0 E_v-delta/3];
G_2 = [ A*k(r)^2 B*k_y(r)*k_z(r) B*k_x(r)*k_z(r) B*k_y(r)*k_x(r);...
B*k_y(r)*k_z(r) L*k_x(r)^2+M*(k_y(r)^2+k_z(r)^2) N*k_x(r)*k_y(r) N*k_x(r)*k_z(r);...
B*k_x(r)*k_z(r) N*k_x(r)*k_y(r) L*k_y(r)^2+M*(k_x(r)^2+k_z(r)^2) N*k_y(r)*k_z(r);...
B*k_y(r)*k_x(r) N*k_x(r)*k_z(r) N*k_z(r)*k_y(r) L*k_z(r)^2+M*(k_x(r)^2+k_y(r)^2)
G_so = -(delta/3)*[0 0 0 0;...
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 4088 2011-01-02 21:56 Energy_Bands_in_semiconductors.m
文件 1312 2014-02-12 13:20 license.txt
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