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%% DynaSim Demos
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Download DynaSim toolbox from https://github.com/dynasim/dynasim.
or download using git: git clone https://github.com/dynasim/dynasim.git
For further documentation see tutorial.m in the demos directory
Sign up for user mailing list at: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dynasim-users.
Tip: In Matlab you can obtain more information associated with any function “FUNCTION_NAME“
by entering “help FUNCTION_NAME“ in the command window. Use the “See also“ list
at the end of the help section to browse through related help documentation.
% Add DynaSim to path if it‘s not already there
if exist(‘setupDynaSimPath‘‘file‘)
error(‘Add the DynaSim folder to the MATLAB path - e.g.) addpath(genpath(‘‘/path/to/dynasim‘‘))‘);
% Set where to save outputs
output_directory = dsGetConfig(‘demos_path‘);
% move to root directory where outputs will be saved
% Here we go!
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%% Lorenz equations with phase plot
% DynaSim makes it easy to simulate arbitrary systems of ordinary
% differential equations. Simply write out the system in a cell array of
% strings separating equations into different strings or the same string
% separated by semicolons.
‘s=10; r=27; b=2.666‘
‘dx/dt=s*(y-x); x(0)=1‘
‘dy/dt=r*x-y-x*z; y(0)=2‘
‘dz/dt=-b*z+x*y; z(0)=.5‘
data=dsSimulate(eqns ‘time_limits‘[0 100] ‘solver‘‘rk4‘);
% time_limits: time limits on integration [ms]
% solver: numerical method to use (default: rk4 = “4th-order Runge-Kutta“)
% All models are numerically integrated using a DynaSim solver function
% created uniquely for a given model and stored in a directory named
% “solve“. The file that solves the system (i.e. numerically integrates
% it) is stored in data.simulator_options and can be viewed or rerun afterwards:
% Every component of the model is assigned to a “population“ and the
% population name (default: ‘pop1‘) is prepended to all variable and
% function names.
% Simulated data can be easily plotted using the resulting data structure:
figure; plot(data.pop1_xdata.pop1_z); % <-- Figure 1 in DynaSim paper
title(‘Lorenz equations‘); xlabel(‘x‘); ylabel(‘z‘)
%% Izhikevich neuron with noisy drive
% (reference: p274 of “Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience“ by Izhikevich)
% The DynaSim data structure always contains the model state variables
% time vector and a copy of the DynaSim model structure that was
% simulated. Additionally functions can be recorded and returned in the
% DynaSim data structure if indicated using the “monitor“ keyword.
% Syntax: monitor F
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文件 23627 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\dsDemos.m
文件 45259 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\dsTutorial.m
目录 0 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\
目录 0 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\Multicompartment_PFC_neurons\
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文件 1047 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\Multicompartment_PFC_neurons\DS00iNa.mech
文件 865 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\Multicompartment_PFC_neurons\DS00iNaP.mech
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文件 33233 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\Multicompartment_PFC_neurons\Multicompartment_PFC_neurons.m
文件 708 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\Multicompartment_PFC_neurons\TW03iH.mech
文件 350 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\Multicompartment_PFC_neurons\pas.mech
文件 1514 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\dsHarmonicOscillator.m
文件 7921 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\dsLIFnetwork.m
文件 585 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\dsMulticompartmentNeurons.m
文件 1714 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\dsReactionDiffusion2D.m
文件 1731 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\examples\dsShuntingNetwork2D.m
文件 1477 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\demos\setupDynaSimPath.m
目录 0 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\docs\
文件 296 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\docs\online_documentation.html
文件 348 2019-07-18 20:10 DynaSim-DynaSim-d6b709f\docs\online_function_reference.html
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