function [W1W2PI_vectoriter]=batbp(NetDefW1W2PHIYtrparms)
% -----
% Batch version of the back-propagation algorithm.
% Given a set of corresponding input-output pairs and an initial network
% [W1W2critveciter]=batbp(NetDefW1W2PHIYtrparms) trains the
% network with backpropagation.
% The activation functions must be either linear or tanh. The network
% architecture is defined by the matrix ‘NetDef‘ consisting of two
% rows. The first row specifies the hidden layer while the second
% specifies the output layer.
% E.g. NetDef = [‘LHHHH‘
% ‘LL---‘]
% (L = Linear H = tanh)
% Notice that the bias is included as the last column in the weight
% matrices.
% See alternatively INCBP for the incremental/recursive back-propagation.
% NetDef : Network definition
% W1 : Input-to-hidden layer weights. The matrix dimension is
% dim(W1) = [(# of hidden units) * (inputs + 1)] (the 1 is due to the bias)
% Use [] for a random initialization.
% W2 : hidden-to-output layer weights.
% dim(W2) = [(outputs) * (# of hidden units + 1)]
% Use [] for a random initialization.
% PHI : Input vector. dim(PHI) = [(inputs) * (# of data)]
% Y : Output data. dim(Y) = [(outputs) * (# of data)]
% trparms: Data structure containing parameters associated with the
% training algorithm (optional). Use the function SETTRAIN if
% you do not want to use the default values.
% W1 W2 : Weight matrices after training.
% critvec : Vector containing the criterion evaluated after each iteration.
% iter : # of iterations.
% Programmed by : Magnus Norgaard IAU/IMM DTU
% LastEditDate : Jan 15 2000
%-------------- NETWORK INITIALIZATIONS -------------
if nargin<6 | isempty(trparms) % Default training parameters
trparms = settrain;
eta = trparms.eta;
alpha = trparms.alph;
else % User specified values
if ~isstruct(trparms)
error(‘‘‘trparms‘‘ must be a structure variable.‘);
if ~isfield(trparms‘infolevel‘)
trparms = settrain(trparms‘infolevel‘‘default‘);
if ~isfield(trparms‘maxiter‘)
trparms = settrain(trparms‘maxiter‘‘default‘);
if ~isfield(trparms‘critmin‘)
trparms = settrain(trparms‘critmin‘‘default‘);
if ~isfield(trparms‘critterm‘)
trparms = settrain(trparms‘critterm‘‘default‘);
if ~isfield(trparms‘gradterm‘)
trparms = settrain(trparms‘gradterm‘‘default‘);
if ~isfield(trparms‘paramterm‘)
trparms = settrain(trparms‘paramterm‘‘default‘);
if ~isfield(trparm
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2003-04-02 15:18 NNSYSID20\
文件 328581 2003-04-02 15:19 NNSYSID20\manual1.pdf
文件 3865 2000-01-29 10:38 NNSYSID20\Contents.m
文件 5507 2000-02-03 20:11 NNSYSID20\README
文件 4951 2000-02-06 11:59 NNSYSID20\RELEASE
文件 7764 2000-01-16 19:05 NNSYSID20\batbp.m
文件 4277 2000-01-15 16:54 NNSYSID20\drawnet.m
文件 1411 2000-01-09 15:11 NNSYSID20\dscale.m
文件 7664 2000-01-16 19:14 NNSYSID20\fpe.m
文件 10558 1999-12-29 11:18 NNSYSID20\getgrad.m
文件 9869 2000-01-28 19:25 NNSYSID20\xcorrel.m
文件 1652 2000-01-09 14:43 NNSYSID20\igls.m
文件 6452 2000-01-16 19:06 NNSYSID20\incbp.m
文件 7093 2000-01-28 19:22 NNSYSID20\ifvalid.m
文件 6072 2000-01-16 20:18 NNSYSID20\kpredict.m
文件 6142 1999-12-29 11:18 NNSYSID20\lipschit.m
文件 9640 2000-01-16 19:29 NNSYSID20\loo.m
文件 132 1999-12-29 11:18 NNSYSID20\makemex.m
文件 4666 2000-01-22 16:57 NNSYSID20\ioleval.m
文件 14997 2000-01-20 21:31 NNSYSID20\nnarmax2.m
文件 7999 2001-06-01 13:43 NNSYSID20\marq.c
文件 12996 2000-02-02 11:13 NNSYSID20\marq.m
文件 10801 2000-01-16 19:04 NNSYSID20\marqlm.m
文件 43061 2000-02-15 17:32 NNSYSID20\matrix.c
文件 3262 1999-12-29 11:18 NNSYSID20\matrix2.h
文件 1295 1999-12-29 11:18 NNSYSID20\netstruc.m
文件 14887 2000-01-16 20:02 NNSYSID20\nnarmax1.m
文件 30633 2001-06-01 13:45 NNSYSID20\nnarmax2.c
文件 14482 2001-06-01 13:40 NNSYSID20\nnoe.m
文件 15902 2002-12-18 15:38 NNSYSID20\nnssif.m
文件 2669 2001-06-01 13:41 NNSYSID20\nnarx.m
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