% Sets parameters for Simscape Multibody Vehicle Visualizer
% Copyright 2017 The MathWorks Inc.
smvv.cameras = struct;
smvv.cameras.frontView_offset = [-2 0 8];
smvv.cameras.sideView_offset = [-2 -7 -5];
smvv.cameras.driversView_offset = [0 0.25 0.7];
smvv.color = struct;
smvv.color.orange = [1 0.6 0];
smvv.color.red = [1 0.2 0];
smvv.color.dgreen = [0 0.4 0];
smvv.color.green = [0 0.6 0];
smvv.color.lgreen = [0.8 0.8 0];
smvv.color.dblue = [0 0.2 1];
smvv.color.blue = [0.2 0.6 1];
smvv.color.lblue = [0.4 0.8 1];
smvv.color.brown = [0.4 0.2 0];
smvv.color.lbrown = [0.8 0.4 0];
smvv.color.yellow = [1 0.8 0];
smvv.color.black = [0 0 0];
smvv.color.white = [1 1 1];
smvv.color.dgrey = [0.3 0.3 0.3];
smvv.color.grey = [0.5 0.5 0.5];
smvv.color.lgrey = [0.7 0.7 0.7];
smvv.color.vlgrey = [0.9 0.9 0.9];
smvv.filter = struct;
smvv.filter.t_c = 0.01;
smvv.finishline = struct;
smvv.finishline.length = 1;
smvv.finishline.width = 7.2;
smvv.finishline.depth = 0.005;
smvv.finishline.dim = [1 7.2 0.005];
smvv.finishline.offset = 259;
smvv.finishline.color = [1 0.2 0];
smvv.finishline.cones = struct;
smvv.finishline.cones.numCones = 7;
smvv.finishline.cones.offset = 278.7;
smvv.finishline.cones.spacing = 1.1;
smvv.road = struct;
smvv.road.markings = struct;
smvv.road.markings.segmentLength = 3;
smvv.road.markings.segmentWidth = 0.15;
smvv.road.markings.segmentDepth = 0.005;
smvv.road.markings.spacing = 9;
smvv.road.markings.numMarkings = 24;
smvv.road.markings.color = [1 1 1];
smvv.road.markings.extrusion = ...
[0 0;
279 0;
279 0.10500000000000001;
276 0.10500000000000001;
276 0.05;
267 0.05;
267 0.10500000000000001;
264 0.10500000000000001;
264 0.05;
255 0.05;
255 0.10500000000000001;
252 0.10500000000000001;
252 0.05;
243 0.05;
243 0.10500000000000001;
240 0.10500000000000001;
240 0.05;
231 0.05;
231 0.10500000000000001;
228 0.10500000000000001;
228 0.05;
219 0.05;
219 0.10500000000000001;
216 0.10500000000000001;
216 0.05;
207 0.05;
207 0.10500000000000001;
204 0.10500000000000001;
204 0.05;
195 0.05;
195 0.10500000000000001;
192 0.10500000000000001;
192 0.05;
183 0.05;
183 0.10500000000000001;
180 0.10500000000000001;
180 0.05;
171 0.05;
171 0.10500000000000001;
168 0.10500000000000001;
168 0.05;
159 0.05;
159 0.10500000000000001;
156 0.10500000000000001;
156 0.05;
147 0.05;
147 0.10500000000000001;
144 0.10500000000000001;
144 0.05;
135 0.05;
135 0.10500000000000001;
132 0.10500000000000001;
132 0.05;
123 0.05;
123 0.10500000000000001;
120 0.10500000000000001;
120 0.05;
111 0.05;
111 0.10500000000000001;
108 0.10500000000000001;
108 0.05;
99 0.05;
99 0.10500000000000001;
96 0.10500000000000001;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2018-07-22 19:27 Path Following Using MATLAB and Simuli
文件 1526 2017-12-04 11:09 Path Following Using MATLAB and Simuli
文件 16357 2018-06-20 15:56 Path Following Using MATLAB and Simuli
文件 187554 2018-06-20 15:57 Path Following Using MATLAB and Simuli
目录 0 2018-06-22 11:08 Path Following Using MATLAB and Simuli
文件 160759 2018-06-20 15:57 Path Following Using MATLAB and Simuli
文件 162735 2017-12-04 11:09 Path Following Using MATLAB and Simuli
文件 944 2017-12-04 11:09 Path Following Using MATLAB and Simuli
文件 2971 2017-12-04 11:09 Path Following Using MATLAB and Simuli
文件 6984 2017-12-04 11:09 Path Following Using MATLAB and Simuli
- 基于CarSim的无人驾驶控制
- 《无人驾驶车辆 模型预测控制》代码
- 《无人驾驶车辆模型预测控制》书中
- 基于反步法backstepping的船舶直线路径
- 利用simuliink中的S函数编写倒立摆轨迹
- 无人驾驶车辆 模型预测控制陈慧妍源
- 《无人驾驶车辆模型预测控制》书中
nk仿真 - 移动机器人轨迹跟踪迭代学习控制 (
- matlab实现的利用backstepping算法设计的
- 最大功率跟踪(MPPT)爬山法的控制模
- 无人驾驶车辆模型预测控制原书程序
- AUV-tarcking 基于反步法的船舶直线路径
- MPC车辆控制.zip
- 利用backstepping轨迹跟踪控制器
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